Tại sao khí nén khô lại quan trọng?
18 March, 2025
Việc làm khô khí nén đầu ra rất quan trọng nếu bạn muốn tránh các vấn đề trong hệ thống khí nén. Tìm hiểu thêm về lý do cần làm khô khí nén và cách thực hiện.
Tại sao khí nén khô lại quan trọng?
Did you know all atmospheric air contains some amount of water vapor? When air is compressed, its water concentration increases. To avoid future problems with your air compressor set-up, it's important to treat this moist air. In this article, we discuss how an absorption dryer and a desiccant / adsorption dryer work.
Absorption drying is a chemical process in which water vapor becomes bound to absorption material. The absorption material can either be a solid or liquid. Sodium chloride and sulfuric acid are frequently used, meaning the possibility of corrosion is worth considering. This method is unusual and involves high consumption of absorbent materials. The dew point becomes lowered to a limited extent.
The general working principle of desiccant air dryers is simple. Moist air flows over hygroscopic material (typical materials used are silica gel, molecular sieves, and activated alumina) and becomes dry. When water vapor changes from moist compressed air into hygroscopic material or "desiccant," the desiccant becomes gradually saturated with adsorbed water.
Therefore, it's important to regenerate the desiccant regularly to regain its drying capacity. Adsorption air dryers are typically built with two drying vessels for that purpose. The first vessel will dry the incoming compressed air while the second one regenerates (Similar to the workings of a nitrogen generator). Each vessel ("tower") switches tasks when the other tower is completely regenerated.
The typical pressure dew point (PDP) these dryers achieve is -40 °C, making them suitable for providing very dry air. There are 4 different ways to regenerate the desiccant, and the method used determines the type of adsorption dryer. More energy-efficient types are usually more complex and, consequently, more expensive to purchase.
Guaranteed separation and drainage of the condensation water must always be arranged before adsorption drying. If the compressed air is produced with oil-lubricated compressors, an oil separating filter must also be fitted upstream of the drying equipment.
In most cases, it's required to use a particle filter after adsorption drying. Heat of Compression (HOC) dryers can only be used with oil-free compressors since they produce heat at sufficiently high temperatures for dryer regeneration. A special type of HOC dryer is the rotary drum adsorption dryer.
This type of dryer has a rotating drum filled with desiccant. With this, one 1/4 sector becomes regenerated with a partial flow of hot compressed air (at 130–200 ˚C). Regenerated air is then cooled, and the condensation is drained before air is returned via an ejector device into the main compressed air flow.
The rest of the drum surface (three-quarters) is used to dry the compressed air coming from the compressor after-cooler. A HOC dryer avoids compressed air loss, and the power requirement is limited to that required for rotating the drum. For example, a dryer with a capacity of 1000 l/s only consumes 120 W of electrical power. In addition, no compressed air is lost and neither oil filters nor particle filters are required.
Sách điện tử về máy sấy khí nén này sẽ cho bạn biết tất cả về hơi ẩm vai trò quan trọng của máy sấy trong xử lý khí.
Bạn có câu hỏi cụ thể hay bạn có muốn liên hệ với một chuyên gia không? Nhấp nút bên dưới và chúng tôi sẽ sớm liên hệ với bạn.
18 March, 2025
Việc làm khô khí nén đầu ra rất quan trọng nếu bạn muốn tránh các vấn đề trong hệ thống khí nén. Tìm hiểu thêm về lý do cần làm khô khí nén và cách thực hiện.
11 November, 2022
Choosing the right dryer for a compressed air system is as important as choosing the compressor itself. We will show you what to look out for when buying a dryer.
18 October, 2022
A number of decisions must be made when installing a compressed air system for it to suit different needs and provide the right air quality.