스마트 PM 솔루션

반도체 장비를 체계적으로 유지보수해보세요. 실시간 체결 데이터를 한눈에 볼 수 있어 실수로 인한 에러를 방지합니다.
스마트 PM 솔루션

체결 교육 프로그램

아트라스콥코의 체결 교육 프로그램은 체결의 기초부터 심화까지 폭넓은 내용을 다룹니다.
체결 교육 프로그램

스테이션 자동화

로봇과 사람의 협업으로 더 효율적인 자동화 공장을 실현하세요! 아트라스콥코의 검증된 모듈식 솔루션으로 생산성을 극대화할 수 있습니다.
아트라스콥코 산업

디지털 e-Book

산업 공구 및 솔루션과 관련된 다양한 주제의 e-book을 통해 산업 현장에서 활용할 수 있는 최신 공구와 솔루션에 대해 알아보세요.
디지털 e-Book

Stage 4 - Technical Competence Validation

To confirm the individual's current skills, knowledge and ability the ECITB technical competence validation test is undertaken every 3 years to prove ongoing performance development.
If required the individual can undertake a short computer based training module to refresh their job knowledge before attempting the technical test.
If required the individual can undertake a short computer based training module to refresh their job knowledge before attempting the technical test.
Tentec will confirm the following information with the employer/candidate before arranging the test session Previous Certificate of Achievement – the Test Centre must carry out a check to confirm the certificate is genuine before arranging the test session.
Tentec will confirm the following information with the employer/candidate before arranging the test session Previous Certificate of Achievement – the Test Centre must carry out a check to confirm the certificate is genuine before arranging the test session.
Quality Approvals
Quality Approvals
Successful candidates achieve the certificate of achievement which is valid for a period of 3 years. Unsuccessful candidates must wait a minimum period of 4 weeks between the unsuccessful test session and next test session to allow a period of training to address any skills or knowledge gaps.
Successful candidates achieve the certificate of achievement which is valid for a period of 3 years. Unsuccessful candidates must wait a minimum period of 4 weeks between the unsuccessful test session and next test session to allow a period of training to address any skills or knowledge gaps.
Referred Candidates – the Test Centre must advise candidates on the criteria not achieved and areas requiring further training, a minimum period of 4 weeks lapse before the candidate can undertake a new testing session to allow for a period of training or practis
Referred Candidates – the Test Centre must advise candidates on the criteria not achieved and areas requiring further training, a minimum period of 4 weeks lapse before the candidate can undertake a new testing session to allow for a period of training or practis

Stage 4 - Technical Competence Validation

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