Sebuah perusahaan farmasi global menghubungi Atlas Copco untuk menganalisis beberapa masalah dalam proses pengemasan mereka. Setelah penilaian teknis, Atlas Copco dapat memperbaiki masalah dan menurunkan konsumsi energi pelanggan sebesar 8%.
Produsen makanan memulihkan panas yang dihasilkan selama proses kompresi dan mengubahnya menjadi energi yang berguna yang dapat digunakan dalam proses produksi pelanggan. Dalam hal ini, energi ini dapat digunakan di ruang boiler pelanggan.
Cari tahu bagaimana Hallsta Pappersbruk, pabrik kertas terkemuka di Swedia, meningkatkan proses pengolahan air dengan blower udara kami. Pelajari tentang manfaat menggunakan blower screw dan blower turbo untuk pengelolaan air limbah yang efisien.
Making quality industrial gases requires quality air
Making quality industrial gases requires quality air
Air Liquide uses our oil-free centrifugal compressor ZH+ technology to produce oxygen and nitrogen. Find out why they rely on this energy-efficient and reliable solution
Schomburg has facilitated the transport of their bulk materials through the installation of an efficient stationary compressor system. Two oil-injected GA screw compressors and two oil-free ZE low pressure compressors were installed. The installation improved the quality of the raw materials and dramatically increased the efficiency of the pneumatic transport. Schomburg has been around for 80 years. The core competences of the company are: building sealing, repair and tile composite sealing.
Two of our ZE 2 oil-free compressors now supply the unloading points with conveying air. With the purchase of these compressed air solutions, Schomburg not only solved the noise problem, but also improved the compressed air quality and the conveying process itself.