CO2 Blog

Looking for a more sustainable future with CO2 & IGCs

CO2 Blog

The possibilities to use CO2 in a more sustainable, future world are very promising. However, using CO2 in industrial processes has already long been established. In recent decades, key research and development successes have meant that its use has been extended to a number of applications, such as when high temperatures and pressures are at play and CO2 reaches supercritical levels. CO2 applications nowadays range from its use in the hydrocarbon processing sector to the power generation industry, or even food production. In many of the underlying production processes compressors play an integral role, increasingly also integrally geared compressors (IGCs).

Supercritical CO2 power generation and recovery

Atlas Copco Gas and Process has long and wide-ranging experience in designing and building compressors for all manner of processes in which CO2 is used. The most recent example is in the area of supercritical CO2 power generation and recovery, based on the Allam Cycle. This game-changing technology, which makes use of oxyfuel combustion, is being used for highly efficient and green power generation, with plants now entering commercialization.


CO2 here plays a double role, being the working fluid and the combustion product at the same time. By design, the oxyfuel process allows very efficient removal of the CO2 formed during combustion, turning an energy-efficient carbon capture system into reality. As a result, sCO2 power generation with carbon capture & storage is set to be a key component in the future global energy mix as the world attempts to transition to net zero emissions by 2050.


Used in closed-loop energy recovery systems, CO2 can turn waste heat to useful electricity, especially where space is limited, and safety standards are high. Supercritical CO2 energy recovery systems can be ideally applied to marine applications, such as cargo ships and offshore platforms. With the highest power density per volume, CO2 systems only consume a fraction of the footprint, compared to organic Rankine or steam cycles.


Urea-based fertilizer


The second area in which Atlas Copco Gas and Process turbocompressors work with CO2 is in the production of urea-based fertilizer. When pressured to 140-200 bar, it substantially increases the conversion of ammonia and CO2, which in turn produces urea. The high levels of efficiency and reliability of integrally geared compressors is a vital factor in the process.

Enhanced oil recovery

The third is the increasingly vital role CO2 is playing in enhanced oil recovery in oil fields across the world. The process works by pumping high-pressure CO2 into an oil reservoir. Supercritical CO2 is central to a process labelled “miscibility”, whereby, the supercritical properties, due to high temperature and pressure, forces the CO2 to mix with the oil. The then low viscosity substance can then pass-through microscopic cracks, after which it is collected and under further CO2 pressure it is separated.

Capture & storage

The fourth area is in capturing and storing CO2 released from the burning of conventional fossil fuels. The crux of this process is that after fossil-fuel combustion, the addition of a chemical solvent enables the removal of CO2, at which point it can be captured and stored. A more established process is to capture CO2 with oxyfuel and precombustion technologies. It is then injected at high pressure into secure underground reservoirs, such as depleted gas wells, for permanent storage.


The preferred option for CO2 processes has traditionally been to use an in-line centrifugal compressor driven by an electric motor, or a gas or steam turbine. There are, however, technological and process-led disadvantages, such as capex considerations, reduced flexibility, and their greater complexity to assemble and maintain. Atlas Copco Gas and Process integrally geared compressors address many of the process challenges presented by CO2.

200-Bar, Eight-Stage High-Pressure CO2 Compressor

200-Bar CO2 Compressor is the ideal, integrated solution for modern CO2 applications ranging from supercritical power cycles to urea production.

Contact us today regarding our technology and solutions.