10 passaggi verso una produzione più ecologica ed efficiente

Riduzione delle emissioni di carbonio per una produzione ecologica: tutto quello che c'è da sapere
10 passaggi per la produzione di aria compressa ecologica

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Waste Water Treatment

Episode 1 – Powering your Green Journey

INK Podcast Episode 1 Yammer Post D1

Our guest Alexander Pavlov, General Manager, Compressor Technique, speaks more about our sustainability strategy, green initiatives, and his perspective on empowering a greener future in the compressor industry. 

Podcast episode summary:

In this episode of Compressor Talk, we bring you a discussion between Alexander Pavlov, General Manager, Compressor Technique, and Shalini Sharma, Head-Corporate Communications, Atlas Copco India, where they talk about what revolves around the intersection of compressor manufacturing and environmental responsibility.


“A lot can be done in power generation, transport sector, and waste management. These are the main contributors to pollution and carbon emissions. The manufacturing industry is another big source of pollution, and that is where we can make a big difference. Unfortunately, too many customers still buy compressors purely on price and don’t look at the long-term impact of the carbon footprint and operational costs as those two things always walk hand by hand,” says Alexander.

Tune in to know more.