Opportunità di finanziamento per la costruzione o la ristrutturazione di una stazione di aria compressa

L'Ufficio federale dell'energia (UFE) finanzia ProKilowatt.
Compressore Atlas Copco ZR con Optimizer 4.0

10 passaggi verso una produzione più ecologica ed efficiente

Riduzione delle emissioni di carbonio per una produzione ecologica: tutto quello che c'è da sapere
10 passaggi per la produzione di aria compressa ecologica

Tutto ciò che devi sapere sul tuo processo di trasporto pneumatico

Scopri come creare un processo di trasporto pneumatico più efficiente.
3D images of blowers in cement plant

Mobility Solutions > Bus Applications

Individual solutions for individual requirements

We provide bus, coaches, trucks and custom applications electric and hybrid vehicles manufacturers with flexible solutions for their compressed air needs. We provide our customers with compressors that can be adapted to different cooling concepts, either air or water cooled and the ability to adapt to various power sources, either AC networks or High Voltage DC bus. Choose from our range of oil injected screw compressors or oil-free scrolls compressor and you will get the quality and reliability you can expect from a compressed air specialist.

Design adapted

We create compressors from our trusted and proven components and turn them into packaged solutions for your electric and hybrid vehicles. You get from us the best technologies in a package that is tailored for your special needs.

Technical expertise and innovative solutions

When you buy a compressor from Atlas Copco you benefit from decades of experience as being the market leader for compressor technologies. You get this very experience even in your mobility compressors, ensuring that you get  a dependable source of air for your vehicles.

Discover our customers and our units!

Bus compressors and air treatment

SFR oil-free
Compressor for bus
SFR oil-free
GAR compressor
with oil
Compressor for Bus application
GAR compressor
with oil
Compressor for Bus application
Solutions for
air treatment
Filters for bus
Solutions for
air treatment