10 خطوات لإنتاج صديق للبيئة وأكثر كفاءة

الحد من الكربون لإنتاج صديق للبيئة - كل ما تحتاج إلى معرفته
10 خطوات لإنتاج هواء مضغوط صديق للبيئة

Everything you need to know about your pneumatic conveying process

Discover how you can create a more efficient pneumatic conveying process.
3D images of blowers in cement plant

Industry & application stories and product news

Customer stories for compressed air, rough vacuum and industrial gas equipment. Explore the benefits of our products in the success stories of our customers.

Customer stories Compressor Technique


18 سبتمبر, 2024

الأغذية والمشروبات التدقيق والتحسين

يمكن لشركة تصنيع الأغذية استعادة الحرارة المتولدة في أثناء عملية الضغط وتَحويلها إلى طاقة مفيدة يمكن استخدامها في عملية الإنتاج الخاصة بالعملاء، في هذه الحالة يمكن استخدامها في غرفة الغلاية الخاصة بالعملاء.

Energy Recovery

01 أغسطس, 2019

تقنية الضاغط

يساعد مولد الأكسجين من أطلس كوبكو شركة Nat-Ur-Gas Solschen على إنتاج الميثان النظيف في مصنعها للغاز الحيوي في ألمانيا. حيث يعمل على إزالة الكبريت من الغاز الحيوي باستخدام الأكسجين كمصدر طاقة مستدام للشبكة. ومن بين الفوائد الإضافية انخفاض تكاليف التشغ...


04 سبتمبر, 2018

The new GA 90+-160 VSD+ oil-injected screw compressor range provides reduced energy consumption, straightforward installation and simple service. It features state-of-the-art compression elements with Smart Injection technology coupled with highly ef...

GA 90+ - 160 VSD+ 3D setup

16 مايو, 2017

اختارت شركة Severn Trent Water تركيب نوافخ حلزونية دوّارة خالية من الزيت من نوع ZS الموثوقة والموفّرة للطاقة من أطلس كوبكو في ستة من مصانع معالجة المياه الخاصة بها في المملكة المتحدة. ويشكل ذلك جزءًا من برنامج شامل لتجديد البنية الأساسية الذي يتضمن ت...

Rotary screw blowers at Severn Trent's site Little Eaton

26 فبراير, 2014

Health officials in Sochi chose the gold standard when selecting a medical air and vacuum system for their hospital facilities during the 2014 Winter Olympics. We were called upon to supply the systems for a newly-developed surgical unit that was bui...

Hospital Facility - Sochi in Russia

Product releases Compressor Technique

Most recent compressed air application movies

Birra Peroni brews Class 0 beer

Birra Peroni brews Class 0 beer

The world of compressed air will no longer be the same thanks to the new oil-free ZR air compressor, tested in Italy by Birra Peroni.

Discover the new ZR 90-160 VSD+

Atlas Copco supports Aquafin with their total cost of ownership approach

Atlas Copco supports Aquafin with their total cost of ownership approach

Find out the importance of total cost of ownership in wastewater treatment applications and how Atlas Copco supports this approach.

More about our ZB oil-free air blowers

Making quality industrial gases requires quality air

Making quality industrial gases requires quality air

Air Liquide uses our oil-free centrifugal compressor ZH+ technology to produce oxygen and nitrogen. Find out why they rely on this energy-efficient and reliable solution

More on oil-free centrifugal compressors

Efficient pneumatic conveying of bulk material

Efficient pneumatic conveying of bulk material

Schomburg has facilitated the transport of their bulk materials through the installation of an efficient stationary compressor system. Two oil-injected GA screw compressors and two oil-free ZE low pressure compressors were installed. The installation improved the quality of the raw materials and dramatically increased the efficiency of the pneumatic transport. Schomburg has been around for 80 years. The core competences of the company are: building sealing, repair and tile composite sealing. Two of our ZE 2 oil-free compressors now supply the unloading points with conveying air. With the purchase of these compressed air solutions, Schomburg not only solved the noise problem, but also improved the compressed air quality and the conveying process itself.

Learn more about our oil-free compressors ZE


Industry & application stories and product news

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