10 кроків до екологічного та більш ефективного виробництва

Зменшення викидів вуглецю для екологічного виробництва – все, що вам потрібно знати
10 кроків до екологічного виробництва стисненого повітря

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3D images of blowers in cement plant

Cargill reaches renewable energy goals with VSD technology

Since its establishment Cargill Turkey’s Orhangazi Factory has decreased its total electricity usage by approximately 6,000 MWh and its natural gas usage by approximately 1.7 million sm³. However, the factory continues to raise the bar by adding new energy efficiency projects to its agenda. One such project has been replacing its fixed-speed compressors with ZT 90 VSD FF variable speed oil-free compressors. Cargill has set Environmental Sustainability Targets that increase energy and water efficiency by 5% on a global level and improve greenhouse gas density by 5%. The company had set a goal to increase its renewable energy use to 12.5% within its overall energy portfolio. Cargill has already exceeded this target and today renewable energies constitute 13.5% of Cargill’s energy portfolio. Cargill Turkey is committed to reaching these global targets, and at its Orhangazi Factory new energy efficiency projects will help the company consume less while producing more.

Частотно-регульований привод (VSD) Безмасляні компресори Рішення для рекуперації енергії Клас 0 Компресорна техніка Компресорна техніка

Variable Speed Drive (VSD) technology replaces fixed-speed compressors


One of these projects has been to replace fixed-speed compressors with ZT 90 VSD FF variable speed oil-free air compressors. Atlas Copco’s oil-free screw air compressors, in fact, have been used in the factory since its establishment.
However, as Mustafa Cem Bilge, Maintenance Manager at Orhangazi Factory explains: “The specialty of this new compressor is the ability to change its speed, and consequently the output flow, according to the requirement of our production target. Since speed and output flow of a screw compressor are directly proportional to the consumed power, it makes this a very efficient process.”
Compressed air is used as an energy source or as an integral part of the production process in almost all industries worldwide. Hence, about 10% of the overall energy consumed for global production results from the use of compressed air systems.
Variable speed drive compressors can save 35% on energy. Furthermore, our compressors offer the ability to recover rejected heat and reuse it during the production cycle in the form of hot water, which further improves the overall efficiency of any compressed air system and reduces total energy consumption.

No need for cooling water

Another advantage of our oil-free air compressors is that they do not require cooling water. Cem Bilge explains that in order to provide cooling water to operate the old compressors he had to continuously operate the pump. “I got rid of this as well. My energy costs are substantially decreasing, and it provides simple operation.” When Atlas Copco offered its new oil-free compressors with variable speed drive, Cargill Turkey and the Orhangazi Factory saw that these features would help the company meet its energy efficiency targets. “We designed the compressor installation project together with Mr. Bilge,” says Veli Ozgun Senol, Sales Engineer, Atlas Copco. “Both companies have a strong environmental awareness, and we are confident that at the Orhangazi Factory Cargill will achieve substantial energy savings.”

We prioritize energy efficiency projects and choose equipment that can do more work with less energy. We preferred variable speed oil-free compressors because they coincide with our targets for sustainability and efficiency.

Mustafa Cem Bilge , Maintenance Manager Orhangazi Factory