10 krokov k ekologickej a efektívnejšej výrobe stlačeného vzduchu

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10 krokov k ekologickej výrobe stlačeného vzduchu

Úprava odpadových vôd

Ponúkame vám komplexný rad bezolejových nízkotlakových dúchadiel s certifikáciou Triedy 0 na použitie v každej priemyselnej a mestskej čistiarni odpadových vôd.
Waste Water Treatment

Industrial Gases

Gases like nitrogen and oxygen are widely used for various industrial applications. Learn more about where they are used and how you can produce them yourself using compressed air.


January 2, 2024

Until 2023, there were two types of rotary screw compressors: fixed-speed compressors and models equipped with a variable speed drive (VSD). This year, Atlas Copco introduced the dual-speed compressor. This article answers the question, what is a dua...

Wiki dual speed

July 10, 2023

The scroll compressor is a positive displacement compressor that works by internal compression of air or gas. This type of compressor ensures a high level of reliability and requires low maintenance. Learn more!

an illustration about the types of compressors for the atlas copco wiki.