10 krokov k ekologickej a efektívnejšej výrobe stlačeného vzduchu

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10 krokov k ekologickej výrobe stlačeného vzduchu

Úprava odpadových vôd

Ponúkame vám komplexný rad bezolejových nízkotlakových dúchadiel s certifikáciou Triedy 0 na použitie v každej priemyselnej a mestskej čistiarni odpadových vôd.
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Hydrogen Production, Transportation and Usage

Hydrogen is a critical part of our vision to reduce greenhouse gases and support net zero emissions by 2050. Leaning on our extensive experience in cryogenic process applications, Atlas Copco Gas and Process provides several solutions to power your energy transition.

Hydrogen production Hydrogen transportation Hydrogen usage

About hydrocarbons and hydrogen: closer than you think, process-wise

When you think of hydrogen, applications like gas processing, LNG or petrochemical processes most likely do not come to mind. While gas properties vary, the machines needed to process them are remarkably similar. Our decades of LNG, natural gas processing, chemical / petrochemical, fuel gas boosters and air separation experience have Atlas Copco Gas and Process well positioned to apply these technologies to hydrogen processes. Creating a boil-off-gas compressor that can handle hydrogen is similar to the hundreds of BOG compressors we have produced for LNG storage and transportation.

With a few key modifications to material choices and manufacturing techniques, we can apply our many years of expertise to these and emerging hydrogen markets.
