10 кроків до екологічного та більш ефективного виробництва

Зменшення викидів вуглецю для екологічного виробництва – все, що вам потрібно знати
10 кроків до екологічного виробництва стисненого повітря

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3D images of blowers in cement plant

14 листопада 2022

German producer enjoys a more efficient baking process with the help of the Optimizer 4.0

This German company is one of the largest manufacturers of frozen bakery products in Europe. They produce frozen pies, cakes, tarts, bread rolls,... just to name a few.

They have made the transition to Atlas Copco solutions over the past few years which lead to 20% energy savings on their electricity bill! On top of that they also use heat of compression to pre-heat service water in the production facility. While the output has continuously risen, their energy from compressed air has declined. This is largely due to the gradual optimization of the three compressed air stations to oil-free energy efficient compressors such as their latest addition of our ZR VSD+ FF compressors. The addition of the Optimizer 4.0 central controller has made this installation future proof in accordance with ISO 50001.

Efficiency is highly favorable across the entire control range, and the Optimizer 4.0 does its job brilliantly

Atlas Copco Customer

The Energy Manager shows the narrow pressure band in which the compressed air is produced with the Optimizer 4.0 master compressor control system.

The Industry 4.0-capable Optimizer 4.0 offers numerous interfaces for networking and monitoring all compressors. 

The compressed air station in plant 3 was replaced in summer 2020, with conversion works yet to be fully finalized. There are currently three ZR 160 VSD+ FF screw compressors as well as two old oil-injected machines, which likewise are to be replaced shortly with an Atlas Copco compressor. 

The compressed air station was modernized in 2019 with three of Atlas Copco's most modern ZR screw compressors.