10 étapes pour une production éco-responsable et plus efficace

Réduction des émissions de carbone pour une production éco-responsable - Tout ce que vous devez savoir
10 étapes pour une production d'air comprimé éco-responsable

Tuyauterie en acier inoxydable pour les applications sensibles

Vous pouvez désormais vous procurer vos tuyaux en acier inoxydable pour air comprimé directement auprès d'Atlas Copco. Rationalisez votre processus en faisant appel à un seul fournisseur.
La tuyauterie d'air comprimé Airnet d'Atlas Copco est disponible en aluminium et en acier inoxydable

Découvrez nos solutions de traitement des eaux usées

Nous proposons une technologie d'air propre qui répond à tous vos besoins en matière d'aération. Avec une efficacité énergétique élevée et un faible coût total de possession.
Waste Water Treatment

Optimisez votre débit d'air avec un contrôleur central

L'Optimizer 4.0, notre tout nouveau contrôleur central, stabilise votre installation et réduit vos coûts énergétiques.
Optimiseur de compresseur d'air 4.0

Compander (TM) integrally geared compressor expander

By combining compressor and expander functions into one unit, the Atlas Copco Gas and Process Compander provides a highly efficient, CAPEX-friendly process solution

Integrally geared compressor with radial inflow turbine (Compander)
    Contact us


Technical description of the Compander (TM)

Our Compander (TM) is designed to handle all gases and delivers volume flows of up to 480 000 m3/h over 8 stages, operating at a rated power of up to 30 MW. It’s a solution that meets key needs in many of today’s industrial processes, where energy efficiency is a major operations focus. Utilizing the full energy recovery potential for combined compression and expansion processes, the Compander (TM) merges our long standing expertise in integral gear technology and turbo expanders into one solution. It’s unique in that compressor and expander stages are housed in one gear box. You can use the energy recovered on the turboexpander side to power the compressor’s energy cycle, significantly reducing the compressor’s energy consumption (rotor drive). Our nitrogen and methane companders can be used in different LNG and chemical applications, respectively:

  • Nitric acid
  • Small-Scale LNG
  • HPPO
  • Caprolactam
  • Phenol
  • Boil off gas reliquefaction
  • Nitrous oxide
Vast compressor and expander experience
Utilizing the full energy recovery potential for combined compression and expansion processes, the Compander (TM) merges our longstanding expertise in compression and turboexpanders into one convenient, energy saving solution
Meeting API standards

Our companders meet all critical industry standards, including API 617

See how we meet API compliance

Compact, Efficient, Reliable
The Compander (TM) meets key needs in many of today's industrial processes where efficiency, a smaller footprint and faster installation times are key factors in equipment purchase decisions
Video: Watch the Compander from the air
Did you know?
Did you know?
By combining the base frame, gear and oil systems, the Compander minimizes your maintenance and maximizes your process uptime. Our Compander blends Atlas Copco’s proven reliability track record for integrally geared compressors and turboexpanders.
By combining the base frame, gear and oil systems, the Compander minimizes your maintenance and maximizes your process uptime. Our Compander blends Atlas Copco’s proven reliability track record for integrally geared compressors and turboexpanders.
Aftermarket solutions
Aftermarket solutions
Comprehensive Aftermarket Services for your turbomachinery delivered on-site by dedicated experts. Find out more
Comprehensive Aftermarket Services for your turbomachinery delivered on-site by dedicated experts. Find out more
Comprehensive Aftermarket Services for your turbomachinery delivered on-site by dedicated experts. Find out more
API compliance
API compliance
Find out more about how we meet rigorous API requirements
Find out more about how we meet rigorous API requirements
Find out more about how we meet rigorous API requirements


Technical specification

Propriété technique Valeur
