
What's New with Atlas Copco Compressors?

Refrigerant air dryer FD 2000+ and oil-free air centrifugal compressor ZH 630 + installation
Air Audits We know there is no such thing as one size fits all. We also know that every efficiency journey has to have a clear starting point, which then serves as the baseline or benchmark from which the rest of the journey is calculated. We know that every customer’s needs are different. Any equipment upgrade should always come with a clear benefits payback. If we can’t show one — then don’t upgrade. That’s our simple rule of purchasing! We offer 3 levels of air assessments and air audits: the Visual Inspection, the AIRchitect Survey, and Full-Service Audits. Learn more about each of these tiers to determine which one might work best for you!
Nitrogen generator NGP 450 +, oil-free screw compressor ZR 122 VSD FF, N2, PSA
Build Your Own Equipment Getting a quote for your equipment has never been easier! From compressors to nitrogen generators to blower to industrial cooling equipment, we've created a series of Build Your Own Equipment features that allow you to take 2 minutes to answer 10 questions (or fewer!) and click submit - it's as easy as that! - Build Your Compressor - Build Your Nitrogen Generator - Build Your Blower - Build Your Industrial Chiller
Custom design
Compressed Air System Design Do you believe compressed air systems need a lot of space, are loud, or that you don't have room for back-up? Think again! Leverage our decades of expertise in compressed air system design. From understanding your unique needs to keeping your system up and running once it's designed and installed, we're dedicated to providing the ideal compressed air and gas solution for your business.
AIRnet Piping
Piping and Installation Improperly configured compressed air piping systems contribute significantly to unnecessary costs and wasted energy. This can be corrected through a few simple measures. Efficient compressed air piping design combined with a decrease in turbulence and the velocity management can help minimize pressure drops and increase energy efficiency of the entire system.
Need 4 Speed Campaign
The Need for (Variable) Speed In most industrial operations, the demand for compressed air fluctuates. A variable speed drive air compressor automatically adjusts the compressor’s operating speed to match this demand in real-time, which can save you up to 50% on energy. Turn that percentage into dollars, and you’re looking at some serious cost savings.
Elektronikon® Touch controller
Controllers and Connectivity Meet the brain of your compressor system! Our Elektronikon touch and swipe controllers, combined with SMARTLink remote monitoring capabilities, helps you control and monitor your compressor system - which can include multiple compressors. Another benefit? These changes help your application and process move even further into the world of IOT and Industry 4.0!
FD 300 VSD Refrigerant Air Dryer  FD 100-300 Variable Speed Drive Dryer
Are Your Dryers OverDew? Have you noticed that the temperatures are getting warmer and the humidity is getting higher? As summer hits, the dew point increases; this means your dryer is working harder than ever to eliminate this excessive moisture. And if your dryer isn’t doing its job, you’ll start to experience excessive moisture in your compressed air – which isn’t ideal. It’s easy for your dryer to overdew it in these conditions. Check out our two newest dryer innovations, the FD VSD refrigerant dryer and the Cerades desiccant dryer, and our newest dryer whitepaper, What's New in Compressed Air Drying?
Remote data driven services
Calling All Engineers! In search of a new air compressor, but feeling confused as to where to start? Air compressor specifications can be overwhelming, with all the various acronyms and specific data points that you need to consider. The good news is that we're making it easy! Find descriptions of all of the air compressor specification terms, as well all of our oil-injected rotary screw compressor specification sheets & our scroll compressor specification sheets, below. We've even divided it up based on horsepower for easy perusing.
illustration of book
Compressed Air Resource Library Searching for more information on compressed air technologies, products, and processes? You've landed in the right spot! Here you'll find our collection of whitepapers, webinars, vlogs, and podcasts related to the compressed air and gas industry. Topics include: - Industry 4.0 and Compressed Air Technology - The Configuration of Compressed Air Piping Systems - The P.R.I.C.E. Benefits of On-Site Nitrogen Generation - What's New in Compressed Air Drying?
Laptop mit Händen und Überschrift Webinar
20 Minute Webinars Who doesn’t love a fun, informative webinar? Our new webinar series focuses on common challenges and questions about compressed air and gas systems, as well as providing you with the knowledge and solutions about the fourth utility. We promise to keep it short, to the point, and to answer all of your questions – while keeping it lighthearted! Every webinar will feature our product and application specialists to ensure the knowledge you need is all in one place. Plus, all past webinars are available on-demand!
Process Filtration
Virtual Assistant We know that connecting quickly with one of our experts is vital to your keeping your business running. That’s why we’ve launched Airy, our Virtual Assistant! From help with air compressors, gas generators, blowers, dryers and filtration, and service, Airy is available to assist you in scheduling an appointment with our sales and service team whenever is convenient for you.
Efficiency Compressor Monster - Challenger Campaign
What's Your Compressed Air Challenge? Compressed air and vacuum systems can be complex, and they include what feels like thousands of moving parts. One of the first steps to identifying and resolving these problems is having the knowledge to know what you’re looking at – and we’re making sure this information is available right at your fingertips. Don't let your air and gas issues become monster-sized - check out our resources on compressed air, gas, and vacuum challenges.
20K Challenge Banner impage
20K Challenge We've upped the ante - introducing the 20K Challenge! Based on the GA VSD+ & ZR VSD+'s first year in the field, customer feedback, and outstanding results, we’ve doubled our initial launch savings challenge. Now, we’re guaranteeing a minimum of $20,000 in energy savings during the first year alone. Learn more today!