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Beer, Beer, and More Beer!

From compressors to nitrogen generators to blowers, we've got the ideal suite of products that help your brewery brew the perfect pint at the lowest cost of ownership.
Beer Pouring Hero Image Breweries

Service in the USA

Explore our wide variety of service options, ranging from service plans and parts plans to piping and installation, system design, and air audits and air analysis.
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Are you looking to learn more about the compressed air industry? Do you have pressing questions about compressed air and gas systems? Look no further!
Pulp paper mill compressor

Pulp and paper compressor solutions

Compressed air solutions for all applications in the pulp and paper manufacturing industry. Certified clean air guarantees high quality paper and pulp end products. High energy efficiency and reliability leads to a low total cost of ownership

Energy efficient paper production process

The pulp and paper manufacturing process is a continuous and energy intensive process. Options such as a variable speed drive and the monitoring system SMARTlink make our products the most energy efficient on the market

More on efficient options

Continous reliable paper production

In the paper making process the equipment is operational 24/7. That is why reliability means assuring our products’ uptime and performance are consistent and as high as is possible. To expand our reliability, we have developed an aftermarket service from highly trained personnel spread globally over 180 countries

Certified oil free air for pulp and paper

All our blowers are ISO 8573-1 (2010) Class 0 certified: Guaranteeing that the air is not contaminated during the compression process is key for manufacturing qualitative paper and we are the only compressor and blower manufacturer that has ISO 22000 certifications

Maintenance predictability with SMARTlink

Interruptions are extremely expensive in the pulp and paper manufacturing process because it is a continuous operation. That is why our SMARTlink monitoring system perfectly suits this industry. It connects the compressors to any device you want and allows you to monitor and analyze the products during production. When a problem occurs or a shutdown is imminent the system will warn you so you can schedule the necessary maintenance. This reduces losses that are normally experienced during a shutdown or maintenance. Read more on SMARTlink

Lowest total cost of ownership possible

We always strive to achieve what our customers want. In an energy intensive industry such as the pulp and paper manufacturing industry this means having a reliable and qualitative continuous airflow from compressors with low energy consumption. Finally, there is no need for extra investments concerning noise cancelling rooms or to counter vibrations. This makes our products' total cost of ownership low in comparison with other compressed air solutions

Benefits of oil-free air

Air quality in the pulp and paper manufacturing industry has great influence on the quality of the end product. Any oil in the air can easily contaminate the product. This is especially important for products such as: high-quality printing paper, hygiene products, baby diapers, tissues and towels and all other quality paper products. Finally, there is no maintenance needed for filter problems or replacing membranes as is the case with oil-injected air, which further decreases the total cost of ownership.

Oxygen generation for pulp and paper

On-site oxygen production is essential for the pulp and paper industry. Products such as paper, tissue, and eco-friendly packing material, are supported by oxygen injection to speed up the delignification of pulp, increases lime kiln capacity and reduces consumption of expensive bleaching chemicals, all to enable efficient and quality production. Discover our VSA oxygen generators

Pulp and paper customer stories


Pneumatic conveying

Compressed air is used for pneumatic transport of pulp and wastepaper.

Drying & cooling

Air is used to cool down the paper after it is pressed. If this air is contaminated it would pollute the end product.

Wastewater treatment

The pulp and paper manufacturing process needs a lot of water. That is why the plants are situated next to a water way most of the time. The water that is extracted has to be cleaned of minerals, bacteria and more before it can be used in the manufacturing process. Read more on wastewater treatment

Air motor & air knife

Air knives deliver a continuous flow of high velocity air to strip away moisture and debris. A reliable supply of low pressure air to work succesfully.

Compressed air solutions for pulp and paper applications

Dryer solutions for pulp and paper applications

Pulp and paper ancillary products

Filters for pulp and paper applications

Pulp and paper compressor solutions

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