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Time to calibrate?

Secure your quality and reduce defects through Tool Calibration and Accredited Quality Assurance Calibration.​
power tool calibration, tool testing, metrology, machine capability test
Datastroom in de eindmontage grafiek

Test software solutions easily

Test of Software Solutions quickly and easily, Innovation Box simplifies investment justification, you don't need IT resources for trial!

Innovation box brings full functionality of all software solutions, ready to connect

To understand the functionality and value of Software Solutions by user, a trial is often the easiest and fastest way. Atlas Copco created a new "Innovation Box", we installed full version of all software solutions so users can try it with ease and without effort to use IT Resources. From now we have the option to reduce local IT efforts to a minimum because the Innovation box brings latest full-functionality software solutions for example, you can try for example:


  • Quality Supervisor (QAS) - management, control and analysis of quality checks for tools, joints and visual and dimensional checks
  • Scalable Quality Solution (SQS) - control and management of assembly process including operator guidance, control the sequence, collect data and serial numbers and build high traceability. 
  • ToolsTalk2 (TT2) - control and management of tightening tools
  • ToolsNet 8 (TN8) - database software for data collection, analysis, notifications

How looks use of "Innovation box"?

  • Customer contacts Atlas Copco Sales engineer and describes what solutions want to test
  • Atlas Copco Sales engineer and SW Service Engineer bring Innovation Box with pre-loaded software to your plant
  • SW Service Engineer onsite configures the Software Solutions you want to test and connects them with peripherals and other systems on the shop floor
  • When the test is finished (usually 2-3 weeks of operation) we meet and debrief the test, answer the questions and explain data and outcomes gathered during the test in your production
  • You gain clear information about how Software Solution benefits your production and your own experience makes investment justification easier when the added value is confirmed

Contact your Atlas Copco Sales Representative and ask for test of Software Solution with Innovation Box!

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Test software solutions easily

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