Toolstalk and Toolsnet virtual stations

Line management with Tools Talk 2

Tightening systems under control

Server based application handles a configurations of your systems and gives transparency in change management.

Line configurator for tightening equipment

Tools Talk 2 keeps all your tightening strategies and system configurations at one place. Get rid of spreadsheets and complicated tables where you describe the configuration of your stations, Tools Talk 2 will keep it all simple and transparent as never before.

Efficient Tightening configuration

Easy and quick for engineers with a server-based application.

  • One application covers all tools and controllers in production. 
  • Easy copy-paste functionality for programs and configurations, or preparation of line balancing and scheduled application of changes
  • You can prepare system configuration offline virtually in Tools Talk 2 and when ready you just upload it to the station with one click.


ToolTalk 2 provides transparency in change management. 

  • TT2 users have their accounts linked with their MS Windows account
  • The application logs the history of changes. You can restore the previous configuration or prove the auditor process is under control
  • User rights enable different users' roles and introduce approval flow for changes = preventing non-authorized changes

Easy maintenance

Maintancene of tightening systems quickly.

  • Remote firmware upgrades
  • Reduce production downtime as well as maintenance workforce overtime with scheduled upgrades
  • Automatic backup of controllers configuration for quick recovery in case of a problem
  • Remote support anywhere

Engineer's and maintenance staff's time is valuable, bring them a new application for the best efficiency and help them reduce stress and headaches, bring them ToolsTalk 2!

Németh Zoltán, Product Manager

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Software and Controllers Industries Topics Industrial Assembly Quality Process Improvement and Optimization Industry 4.0 and the Smart Factory Aerospace Electronics Automotive Productivity Data Collection and Analysis Products Content Type Rail Industry

Line management with Tools Talk 2

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