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Process control software by Atlas Copco

Leading Industry 4.0 mission on your journey to excellence

December 6, 2023

Process control software by Atlas Copco

Introduction to Scalable Quality Solution 3

We are introducing Atlas Copco process control software called Scalable Quality Solution 3.

Atlas Copco created the concept of “Smart Connected Assembly”, combining software, hardware, smart tools and accessories to maintain process control in complex production systems.


One component is our error proofing software Scalable Quality Solution 3 (SQS3) which drives quality, process reliability, data transparency as well as product safety.


SQS 3 as process control system has many great out of the box functionalities

  • Step-by-step visual operator guidance
  • Part and tool verification
  • Training and learning station functionality for new operators/products
  • Fully traceable rework ability and connection to MES system 
  • Any defect will be tracked and repaired at predefined rework stations
  • Synchronization of build and result data between MES and shopfloor
  • Remote centralized configuration
  • Scalability at a low IT effort
  • Connect several stations including pre-station check and rework 

Benefits of using SQS3 in your production

  • Zero defect strategy and less need for rework generate cost savings and improve productivity
  • Greatly reduces training time for new operators
  • Advance data collection
  • Reduce costs of rework and recalls
  • Easy and efficient deployment of changes 
  • User-friendly environment for users
  • No programming knowledge needed 
  • Save time deploying and maintaining entire shopfloor solution
  • Robust and safe software solution by Atlas Copco
  • Strong service support

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Human Machine Interface Station software Software Operator Guidance 1 Station hardware Synatec

Process control software by Atlas Copco

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