Electrification, the process of replacing fossil-fuelled technologies with those that use electricity as a source of energy, is changing industrial manufacturing and the world around us. Driven by employees, customers, partners, governmental authorities, and other stakeholders, sustainability is rightfully on the agenda of every manufacturer. Aside from playing an important role in reducing operational CO2 emissions, the electrification of industrial manufacturing can lower equipment maintenance costs and improve efficiency.
In everyday life, however, the move to electricity is nowhere more apparent than in the automotive industry - a transition to electric mobility powered by new technologies. The first vehicles were all powered with batteries and now the concept of the electric vehicle (EV) has come full circle. At the heart of an EV is the battery. Choosing the right technologies for the different steps in the battery manufacturing process is crucial, but also producing the batteries in a sustainable way with as little rework and scrap as possible.
Electrification is a key trend in modern day industrial manufacturing. Let us share our insights, experiences, and knowledge to help electrify your business and save our planet.
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Elektronikos ir elektrinių komponentų apsauga naudojant naujovišką dozavimą
„Scheugenpflug“ sandariklių, klijų, užliejimo mišinių ir šilumos valdymo priemonių naudojimas siekiant užtikrinti elektroninių komponentų patikimumą.
Intelligent thermal management in the battery joining process for electric vehicles
Electromobility must constantly evolve to meet increasing market demands regarding operational safety, performance, range, charging times, and costs. Applying thermal paste is a critical step in the joining process for electric vehicle batteries. It ensures the performance and safety of the battery. An intelligent application solution can also save material, weight, and cost. The material supply process also plays a crucial role in thermal management.
8 things to improve the carbon footprint of your EV battery production
Discover the key to sustainable e-mobility, considering the entire value chain of electric vehicles. From design to second life, factors like car and battery weight, performance, range, serviceability, and recyclability are crucial in reducing resource consumption. Don't underestimate the impact of production's material and energy consumption on e-mobility's carbon footprint. Join us in embracing a comprehensive approach to e-vehicle sustainability for a greener future.
EV Battery Assembly: Production data analysis
How can manufacturers overcome the challenges of Electric vehicle battery production? Analyzing data reduces costs and production time while increasing quality and accuracy. Discover the game-changing role of data-driven services in EV battery production.
EV Battery Assembly: Cell Stack Assembly (Step 2)
One single battery cell will not get the wheels of an electric vehicle (EV) moving. We help finding the best dispensing solution that delivers a result that meets stipulated safety, elasticity, and longevity requirements throughout the lifetime of the battery.
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Pramoninė gamyba - šiuolaikinių iššūkių įveikimas
Nuo kibernetinio saugumo grėsmių iki aplinkosaugos problemų ir tiekimo grandinės sutrikimų. Kviečiame skaityti ir susipažinti su išsamesnia informacija.
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Kaip paspartinti inovacijas automobilių gamyboje? Sužinokite apie pažangius sprendimus, automatizavimą ir technologijas, keičiančias pramonės ateitį.
Elektronikos ir elektrinių komponentų apsauga naudojant naujovišką dozavimą
„Scheugenpflug“ sandariklių, klijų, užliejimo mišinių ir šilumos valdymo priemonių naudojimas siekiant užtikrinti elektroninių komponentų patikimumą.