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What is an Air Receiver?

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An air receiver, sometimes referred to as a compressed air tank, is an integral part of any compressed air system. The main purpose of this is to act as temporary storage to accommodate the peaks of demand from your system and to optimize the running efficiency of your plant. 

Function of air receiver

Your air compressor installation can, in theory, run without a receiver. However, not having one in your compressed air system can increase the loading and unloading cycles on the compressor, making it work harder. It’s important to remember that load/unload cycles will depend on the demand fluctuation within your facility.


Air receivers, also referred to as vessels or tanks, play a crucial role in the function of air receivers in a pneumatic system. They are used to store compressed air before it enters the piping system or equipment. In simpler terms, the function of the air receiver is to act as a buffer mechanism between the compressor and the fluctuating pressure caused by changing demand.


Some air compressors are "tank-mounted," meaning they come as a package and are mounted on top of the air receiver. This type of setup is highly preferred in facilities where space is at a premium. Having a tank-mounted compressor can save both space and reduce the initial installation costs associated with commissioning a stand-alone dryer. This setup is most commonly seen with smaller compressors, typically up to 26kW or 35 HP. Larger air compressors are not suitable for tank-mounted options as they become top-heavy and could pose a safety risk.


The function of an air receiver tank in a pneumatic system is essential for maintaining efficiency and extending the lifespan of your compressor by reducing excessive cycling and ensuring consistent air pressure.

Air receiver vs air compressor

An air compressor and an air receiver serve distinct functions in a compressed air system. The air compressor is responsible for generating compressed air by pressurizing it, while the air receiver is used to store the compressed air. The compressor delivers the pressurized air to the receiver, which acts as a buffer. This buffering role helps to stabilize pressure fluctuations and enhances the overall performance and efficiency of the compressed air system.

Types of air receivers

There are various types of air receivers available to meet specific application needs. Among the most common are wet air receivers and dry air receivers.

Wet air receivers are installed between the compressor and the air dryer. They store untreated compressed air and play a key role in improving the dryer’s performance by helping to remove moisture before the air enters the system. This step ensures better efficiency in the drying process.


Dry air receivers, on the other hand, store treated compressed air and are typically placed after the compressor and air dryer. Their primary function is to maintain the integrity and quality of the dried air, ensuring consistent system performance and reliability.

How to properly size air receivers?

In previous articles, we discussed best practices on “how to size an air compressor”, as proper sizing is important to meet the demand your facility requires. When it comes to sizing of an air receiver, a good rule of thumb to remember is to allow 3-4 gallons for each CFM or 10-15 liters for each liters/second of compressed air depending on the type of an air compressor used and the application. Similar to sizing of an air compressor, there are a number of factors that should be considered in identifying the right size of air receiver for your installation. It is highly recommended to consider the following factors:


  • Minimizing pressure fluctuations/drops: An air receiver can be used to minimize pressure fluctuations that could impact the production process and the quality of your end product. Selecting the right air tank for your compressor requires you to be mindful of two values: your compressor's output pressure and what your application needs at the point of use. Note that the compressed air stored in your air receiver is only useful as long as its pressure is sufficient for the process that uses it. This is why it is important to consider the duration (in minutes) that the air receiver can supply air at the necessary pressure for your end-user / equipment.


  • Meeting short-term peak air demands: If the demand for compressed air changes drastically throughout the day, it is important to account for the spikes in the demand to ensure the system pressure does not drop below an acceptable level. An air receiver provides storage to meet short-term peak air demands that the compressor cannot meet. Depending on the time of day, the shift pattern, or even unusual demand (e.g. occasional use of a sandblaster or an abrasive media blaster), your air requirement may vary. It is important to fully understand the application and the amount of CFM or liters/second of air required, as well as the expected peaks of your system, as it dictates what flow of compressed air is needed to avoid shortages for any part of your process.


  • Energy considerations: Using an air receiver can help reduce the energy consumption of your compressed air system by enabling load/unload (fixed speed) compressors to operate on a longer cycle and with tighter pressure bands. Having a properly sized tank and more air than is required will reduce the potential of trim compressor starting up to meet increased flow demand, which can have substantial savings on your energy consumption. This will also prevent pressure fluctuation and frequent motor starts while providing steady pressure and extending the life of the compressor.


  • Safety considerations: If needed, an air receiver will provide a supply of air to enable production processes and systems to be safely shut down in an emergency situation.

Air receiver sizing calculator

Frequently Asked Questions:

How often should I drain my air tank?

Air receiver

On compressors without integrated dryers or without a dryer in the system, your air tank may end up with moisture in it. Untreated and wet compressed air can lead to damaged equipment and compromise the quality of your product and it can similarly affect the air receiver as well.


Condensation or water will collect in the air receiver, and if left undrained, it can lead to corrosion, which may threaten the integrity of your air receiver, resulting in premature deterioration of the vessel.

It is recommended to drain your air receiver at least once a day, and more frequently if the compressor is running fully loaded throughout the day. An easy way to ensure you never forget is to invest in a float drain, a timer drain, or an electronic drain valve. For best results and to ensure your compressed air system is properly suited for your application, please contact a compressed air professional for further assistance.

What pressure should my air receiver be and is it important?

You might have heard it already - a higher pressure in your air receiver would mean more air for your process and tools, so you would not need to buy a larger compressor even if your demand increases overtime. This statement is not true and the pressure of your tank should be related to the output pressure of your compressor.


Most standard fixed speed and variable speed drive compressors can deliver compressed air at up to 175 psig (12bar), however, majority of industrial facilities operate between 100-125 psig (7-8 bar). Depending on your facility's needs, the air receiver’s maximum pressure should be sized accordingly.


For example, if your fixed speed compressor is rated to deliver maximum of 125 psig (8 bar), the air receiver should be rated at the minimum of 150 psig (10 bar). Most variable speed drive (VSD) air compressors are rated up to 175 psig (12bar), therefore, a 200 (14 bar) psig air receiver would be more suitable in this type of compressed air system.


Each air receiver should be equipped with a pressure relief valve, which is designed to release pressure from the tank in case the tank reaches its maximum allowable pressure inside the vessel.


It is important to remember that higher pressure does not equal more flow (CFM or l/s), but just the opposite, as we raise pressure, the flow decreases. It is very important to understand minimum and maximum pressure settings for the machines that utilize compressed air and if possible use pressure regulators out of the air receiver and or at point of use.


A good rule of thumb to remember is that each 2 psig is equal to 1% of energy being used (1 bar is equal to 7% of energy), which means that we should keep our system pressure according to facility’s needs, in turn resulting in further energy savings.

Do-it-yourself air receiver?

Although, some might be tempted to take on a DIY task of building your own air receiver, it is not a commodity that should be self-built. Due to extreme potential of safety risks and legal regulations. Air receivers should always be purchased from a reputable air compressor manufacturer or a professional pressurized vessel builder. It’s best to reach out to your local compressed air expert for advice and suitable solution for your compressed air needs.

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