10 βήματα για πιο πράσινη και αποδοτική παραγωγή

Ό,τι χρειάζεται να γνωρίζεται για τη μείωση άνθρακα για πιο πράσινη παραγωγή
10 βήματα για πράσινη παραγωγή πεπιεσμένου αέρα

Όλα όσα πρέπει να γνωρίζετε για τη διαδικασία μεταφοράς πεπιεσμένου αέρα

Ανακαλύψτε πώς μπορείτε να δημιουργήσετε μία πιο αποδοτική διαδικασία μεταφοράς πεπιεσμένου αέρα.
3D images of blowers in cement plant
AIRScan Acoustic Camera in use

AIRScan - Air compressor audit with tangible recommendations

AIRScan is a comprehensive audit of your entire compressed air installation, including energy input, air flow demand, system pressure, air quality, pressure drops, and more, over a significant period.
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Is your compressed air system efficient?

An AIRScan audit report provides a clear summary for decision-makers, as well as an in-depth evaluation of problems and solutions for your technical people. Our unique audit software can simulate various configurations of your compressed air installation. This allows us to provide realistic projections on potential energy savings, as well as environmental and financial benefits. 

Air compressor audit

What can AIRScan do for me?

AIRScan Energy Audit

The energy audit measures all the relevant parameters to get a picture of the status of your system. Tools are installed during operation, so you do not need to stop the production. Our proprietary analysis software simulates different configurations of your compressed air system.

AIRScan Vibration Analysis

The vibration analysis is a health check for the compressor element, gearbox, coupling, drive train and other rotating components; it is the ultimate tool to prevent expensive breakdowns. 

AIRScan Air Quality

The air quality analysis uses state-of-the-art tools to check the purity of your compressed air. It comes with a clear report including recommendations on how to achieve the air quality you need. 

AIRScan Leak Detection

Our state-of-the-art acoustic camera detects 40% more leaks than traditional tools, at twice the speed. The air leaks report includes the savings potential and a priority list for repairs. With RePress, leaks are fixed while the distribution net is under pressure, and without dismantling pipes or couplings.


Air compressor energy audit

What guarantee do I have of the quality of an air compressor system audit?

AIRScan follows the ISO 11011 standard for compressed air energy efficiency assessments. This ensures that your complete installation is assessed according to a clearly defined framework. Moreover, if you have, or are considering, an ISO 50001 energy management system, the AIRScan audit can serve as your benchmark.

What’s the risk if someone else audits my system?

The risk is an incorrect analysis with flawed recommendations, leading to investments in solutions that do not pay off. Our dedicated Energy Consultants provide independent advice tailored to your circumstances, based on the latest insights and innovations in air compression technology.


Why an air compressor audit

Save energy: up to 30% off your costs
Our unique compressor audit software simulates various configurations of your compressed air installation. This allows us to provide realistic projections on potential energy savings
Go for energy efficiency
AIRScan offers a reliable analysis and actionable insights for energy efficiency improvements
Clear report
An AIRScan report provides a summary for decision-makers, as well as an in-depth evaluation of problems and solutions for your technicians


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Maximize the efficiency of your compressed air installation

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