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Nastal čas vykonať kalibráciu?

Zaistite vysokú kvalitu a znížte chyby pomocou kalibrácie nástrojov a akreditovanej kalibrácie na zaistenie kvality.
kalibrácia elektrického náradia, testovanie nástrojov, metrológia, testovanie patametrov stroja

Ako zlepšiť kvalitu konečného produktu pomocou údajov

Today, with high levels of competitiveness in most markets, manufacturing industries are required to produce products and services of the highest quality to remain competitive. With the concepts of Cyber-Physical Systems as well as IoT and IoS there are many opportunities to stay competitive. Industry 4.0 can support increased product quality in several areas, for example: enhanced customization, increased customer interaction, data based value-design, and changes from product offerings to service offerings.

improve quality of end-product

Offering services rather than just products can create more opportunities to interact with customers and a partnership is more likely to arise. In a competitive landscape, customizing a product is a way to create a unique selling point for a company. In Industry 4.0 where mass production gives way to mass customization, products have, to a greater extent, unique characteristics defined by the end-customer.The physical flows will be continuously mapped on digital platforms. All data gathered from a Cyber-Physical System will provide an opportunity to analyse, refine and generate recommendations on how to improve the production and increase the quality of the end-product or service.The gathered data, connectivity and mobile devices combined give the possibility to build intuitive mobile applications. Downloading and later using an app specifically built to operate one specific device will become a reality. The same combination of mobile devices, increased reliability and inexpensive positioning systems will allow representation of real time positioning in 3D maps. This, in turn, opens the door to augmented or mixed reality scenarios. These are expected to bring tangible gains in areas such as identification and localisation of materials or in maintenance-related activities.

Odhaduje sa, že používanie internetu vecí by mohlo znížiť množstvo zranení pracovníkov v prostredí tovární o 10 až 25 percent, čím sa v roku 2025 ušetrí až 225 miliárd USD ročne…Stiahnite si štúdiu a získajte viac informácií o koncepte inteligentnej továrne – vstupnej bráne k priemyslu 4.0!