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Objavte inšpiratívne a pútavé rozhovory o spoločnosti Atlas Copco
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Atlas Copco Plant Product Company Hungary Contact

Atlas Copco Hungary Kft.

Located near Budapest in Central Hungary, Atlas Copco Industrial Technique’s factory is focused on the assembly of industrial power tools, predominantly in the pneumatic tool range. The plant was established in 2007, has an assembly area of 5000 square meters and a skilled workforce of approximately 100 employees producing about circa 180000 tools with roughly 2500 variants annually. To increase agility and flexibility the plant has it’s own test and modern quality assurance laboratory. As part of lean manufacturing, vertical lifts are offering a unique storage solution. Our products are the preferred choice for many world-leading players in the general industry, aerospace and automotive industries.

Atlas Copco Hungary Plant Product Company

ÁTI-Sziget Ipari Park 72.-73
2310 hungary

Plant Product Company