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Control Systems: Speed Control

Kompresszorok Sűrített levegővel kapcsolatos wiki-oldal Kompresszorszabályozás és -vezérlés Compressor Control and Data Monitoring

Regulation systems are becoming more advanced and fast-paced development offers a variety of new solutions. Relay systems have been replaced by programmable equipment (PLC). They, in turn, are currently being replaced by product-adapted systems based on microcomputers. These articles present a few of the control and monitoring systems for the most common types of compressors. Here we cover speed control.

How is speed controlled in air compressors?

speed control can help keeping the air flow constant
Compressors with a power source whose speed is controlled electronically provide a great opportunity to keep the compressed air constant within a very tight pressure range. A frequency converter, which regulates the speed on a conventional induction motor, is an example of such a solution. The compressor's capacity can be adapted to the precise air requirement by continuously and accurately measuring the system pressure and then allowing the pressure signals to control the motor's frequency converter and, consequently, the motor's speed. The pressure within the system can be kept within ± 0.1 bar.

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