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Cool compressed air with a refrigerated air dryer

Air Treatment Refrigerant air dryer Sűrített levegővel kapcsolatos wiki-oldal Drying

Did you know that all ambient air contains some amount of water vapor? When air is compressed, this water concentration increases. To avoid future problems in a compressor installation, compressed air needs to be treated. In this article we talk about drying the air using a refrigerated air dryer.

What is refrigerated drying?

Refrigerant dryers remove compressed air

Refrigerated or refrigerant drying means that compressed air is cooled to allow for a large amount of water to condense and become separated. After cooling and condensing, compressed air is reheated to around room temperature, so condensation does not form on the outside of the pipe system.

This heat exchange between ingoing and outgoing compressed air also reduces the temperature of the incoming compressed air. Therefore, it reduces the required cooling capacity of the refrigerant circuit. Cooling the compressed air takes place via a closed refrigerated system.

Smart steering of the refrigerant compressed air dryer via intelligent control algorithms can significantly reduce the power consumption of modern refrigerated dryers. Refrigerated air dryers are used for dew points between +2 ˚C to +10 ˚C.

In addition, a refrigerated air dryer has a low freezing limit at the point of the condensed water. They are available as either a freestanding machine or an integrated drying module inside the compressor. The latter has the advantage of having a small footprint and ensures optimized performance for the particular air compressor capacity.

Is a refrigerated air dryer right for you?

Depending on your application, this equipment might be the best solution for your production. For most standard industrial needs, you'll find a refrigerated air dryer effective.

In addition, if you're concerned about the environment, modern refrigerated dryers use refrigerant gases with a low Global Warming Potential (GWP).

This means refrigerant gases that become accidentally released into the atmosphere contribute less to global warming. Future refrigerants will have an even lower GWP value, as dictated by environmental legislation.

Compared to desiccant dryers, these machines have a relatively low cost of investment and require minimal maintenance. There's also cycling models which turn on and off depending on demand.

Cycling vs. non-cycling

As alluded to above, non-cycling dryers run constantly. Since there's no shut off option, they have the lowest upfront cost. However, it's important to consider whether you need compressed air cooling all day long.

With cycling dryers, there are more options to choose from. They usually come in thermal mass, variable speed drive, and digital scroll models. All of these types come with their benefits, and are a bit more expensive to buy, but more efficient to run than a non-cycling machine.

If energy costs are important to you, it might make sense to invest in a cycling refrigerant air dryer. However, they don't necessarily lead to bigger savings if you run your equipment all day. Determining the best solution is really based on how your facility operates.

We hope this article helps you understand how refrigerant air dryers work and what questions to ask before investing in a new product.

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