La combinación perfecta: presentamos el compresor GA FLX

El GA FLX es el primer compresor de velocidad dual que sale al mercado. Es la solución perfecta si quiere ahorrar energía con su compresor, pero no está preparado aún para adquirir una solución de velocidad variable.
La combinación perfecta: presentamos el compresor GA FLX

Aire comprimido y nitrógeno para la industria de alimentación y bebidas

El sabor, la calidad y la seguridad son la constante en la industria de alimentación y bebidas, pero hay un ingrediente fundamental que no se tiene en cuenta: el aire comprimido. En este libro electrónico nos centraremos en las soluciones de aire comprimido y nitrógeno para la industria de alimentación y bebidas.

El MDG garantiza un PDP estable de -40ºC/ºF a un coste energético casi nulo

Reading time: 1,45 minutes

Many industries expect air dryer solutions to efficiently deliver a Pressure Dew Point (PDP) of -40°C/-40°F at the lowest operational cost. A dryer’s efficiency is normally defined by two factors: the electrical consumption and the amount of compressed air purged. Today most existing air dryers can’t live up to the demand for a stable PDP of -40°C/-40°F and low power consumption.

MDG rotary drum dryers

MDG rotary drum dryers

The Atlas Copco Oil-free Air division has developed an innovative new technology to improve reliability and power efficiency for a PDP of -40°C/-40°F. After years of development and testing, the team proudly presents the new MDG rotary drum dryer – the most groundbreaking air dryer to provide stable and guaranteed PDP of -4O°C/-40°F at almost zero energy cost. The new simplified design has no heating elements, no blower and no loss of compressed air and therefor guarantees the highest energy efficiency. With a total power consumption below 0,2kW in all operational conditions, the new MDG air dryer is a groundbreaker for the compressed air market.

With the MDG dryers we now can provide the ultimate energy-efficient solution for customers who are looking for high quality of compressed air and who are interested in the lowest total cost of ownership

Philip Ernens , President of the Oil-free Air division

In addition to the highest energy-efficiency, there are fewer moving parts which means less maintenance cost and more reliability. Another advantage of the simple design is that it takes up less space in the customers facility. Atlas Copco’s new MDG sets the new standards for air dryer technology.

MDG Tratamiento de aire y gas