
World first structured desiccant in CD+ range

Cerades™ - a truly revolutionary desiccant

Adsorption dryers have always used towers filled with thousands of tiny desiccant beads to absorb the moisture in compressed air. Now, following years of research and development, Atlas Copco is introducing a new product that will revolutionize compressed air drying: Cerades™, the world’s first solid desiccant.

Cerades™ makes compressed air drying more efficient, cleaner and less costly. As a solid desiccant, it eliminates the downsides inherent to the tiny beads in conventional dryers: Inefficiency, decay, installation limitations, and environmental and health hazards. To find out more about solid desiccant, you can read this article or watch this video or contact our expert

Cerades™ - 1 solid block, 5 key benefits

Specifically, Cerades™ improves conventional desiccant dryers in five crucial ways:

Cerades™ saves energy and greatly reduces operating costs because the air flows straight through the desiccant tubes.

Cerades™ decays much less than traditional desiccant, which ensures a consistent dew point and high air quality.

Decomposing desiccant beads create a fine dust that is both an environmental and a health hazard. Cerades™ eliminates this dust problem, which also reduces filtration and maintenance costs.                                              

Because Cerades™ is vibration resistant, it can be mounted horizontally. This is especially beneficial in the transportation sector.

Cerades™ can handle a higher airflow and dryers can therefore be built smaller. This saves space in production facilities and compressor rooms.

These videos will give you a closer look at the different ways in which Cerades™ will revolutionize compressed air dryers and help your business.

Cerades™ - now available in the CD⁺ 20-335

Cerades™ is now available exclusively in the new CD+ 20-335. It features all of the benefits that the new solid desiccant from Atlas Copco has to offer. In addition, the CD+ is also extremely powerful, efficient, reliable and quiet. While most dryers are designed to work at no more than 70% to 80%, the CD+ can operate continuously with 100% airflow. The CD+ 20-335 also offers its users the option of adjusting their dew point to specifically meet their requirements and applications. Find out more about the CD+ 20-335 here.

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Cerades Webinar Atlas Copco Hellas
Νέα σειρά CD+, η επανάσταση στην τεχνολογία των προσροφητικών ξηραντών

Ζωντανή μετάδοση 8 και 10 Δεκεμβρίου

World first structured desiccant in CD+ range

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