Momentum Talks

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Momentum Talks

Je čas na kalibraci?

Zabezpečte si kvalitu a snižte počet vad díky kalibraci nástrojů a akreditované kalibraci zajištění kvality.
kalibrace elektrických nástrojů, testování nástrojů, metrologie, test způsobilosti stroje

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Atlas Copco Plant Product Company Italy Contact

Atlas Copco BLM s.r.l.

Atlas Copco BLM is the Competence Center for Quality Assurance (QA) Products and Solutions. We develop and produce QA solutions and provide Service and Support to our customers. Our Calibration Lab can cover the range of Torque from 0.001Nm up to 100.000Nm. By having a complete range of innovative products such as Joint simulator Benches, Data Collector, Transducers, Manual Torque Wrenches and Software, we can offer Standard and Customized solutions to our customers. The lean principles apply in all our departments and the most important is to ensure that Customer Centricity remains at the forefront of all our activities.

Atlas Copco BLM s.r.l.

Via Guglielmo Pepe 11
Paderno Dugnano (MI)
20037 italy

Plant Product Company