
Your guide to temporary power

Want to learn more about power transformation? Then this page is for you: step by step guides that take you step by step through the fundamentals of power in all forms.

How to Calculate Energy Consumption and Cost

Learn how to calculate power consumption of any appliance. When we talk about power consumption, we usually refer to Kilowatt (Kw). Kilowatt is a universal unit for electrical energy. But Kilowatt only refers to instantiate power. If we want to know power consumption over a time and what that means to an electricity bill, we need a constant number.

How to relate Power and Current?

Learn how to relate Power (KVA) and Current (Amp) with a simplified formula.

How to understand kW, kVA & the Power Factor

Let's try to decode and understand kW,KVA and the Power factor. We start off by discussing three variables for electrical power systems.

How to choose the right electrical cable?

We start off by discussing, what do we need to transport compressed air or even water? Answer? A simple pipe that can handle pressure. Similarly, in case of electricity, the means of transport is an electric cable. Let us understand How to choose the right electrical cable?

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