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Expert Live Q&A: QA Platform 4.0

Welcome to the QA Platform 4.0 question and answer session. 

Taking viewer questions in this session is Doug Wendyker, our Quality Assurance Product Specialist. In this Q&A, we’re exploring Atlas Copco’s QA Platform 4.0, made up of a robust product portfolio that includes hardware and software components for quality assurance purposes. Doug does a general overview of the products featured in this portfolio. The STpad/STpalm are data collection devices. QA Supervisor is a software solution for quality data at a glance. The STa 6000 Plus is a data collector that can be wired to a transducer for tests and tool checks. The STwrench is our popular wrench for quality checks. The IRC-Connect is a smart wireless device that connects transducers. And our STbench is a top of the line joint simulation bench. 

The Q&A then goes into calibration. An audience member asks how often QA equipment should be calibrated. Doug explains that his customers often calibrate their equipment once a year. For STbenches, Atlas Copco can send out a technician to calibrate in-house. When asked about the accuracy of the STwrench, Doug says that the range of smart heads that connect to the STwrench are 10% to full scale. On the subject of software, Doug explains that the STpad comes with QA Inspector pre-installed. For QA Supervisor, users must license this functionality. When asked if the STpad/STpalm can work with Torque Supervisor, an old legacy software product, Doug says that this new hardware is not compatible.

We then move into talking about transducers. A viewer asks what the largest capacity transducer made by Atlas Copco is. Doug says that the IRTT transducer, which is an in-line rotary transducer, can reach 10,000Nm. The SRTT, a static transducer, can reach 2,000Nm. The STbenches with dynamic brakes can reach 3,000Nm. When asked if it’s possible to test pulse tools on the STbench, Doug says that pulse tools should be tested on a static transducer, not on a dynamic or rotating transducer like the STbench. A viewer asks if the STbench is easy to move around, and Doug says that it does have a good bit of weight to it, but the rolling wheels make it a lighter bench to transport. 

In the final part of the question and answer session, we continue discussing the STpad and STpalm. The STpad screen size is 10 in., and the STpalm display is 6 in., similar to a smartphone. Following a viewer question about using the STpad without QA Supervisor, Doug explains that the STpad theoretically does not have to report to QA Supervisor, and could be used as a stand-alone product. When using the IRC-Connect transducer, tools can be calibrated through the synchronization of communication between the measuring device and a controller, such as the Power Focus 6000 or PowerMACS 4000 platform. A viewer asks what type of quality checks are available in the QA Platform 4.0. Doug explains that tool checks, joint checks, dimensional inspections, and visual inspections can be performed through this product line. 

To learn more about what was asked and how Doug responded, register now.  

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Expert Live Q&A: QA Platform 4.0

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