10 krokov k ekologickej a efektívnejšej výrobe stlačeného vzduchu

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10 krokov k ekologickej výrobe stlačeného vzduchu

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Ponúkame vám komplexný rad bezolejových nízkotlakových dúchadiel s certifikáciou Triedy 0 na použitie v každej priemyselnej a mestskej čistiarni odpadových vôd.
Waste Water Treatment

Variable Speed Drive (VSD) air compressors

Variable Speed Drive (VSD) air compressors

Did you know that 70 percent of industrial electrical consumption is for electric motors? And that up to 20 percent of industrial electrical capacity is consumed by air compressors? And that about 70 percent of the total life cycle cost of a standard air compressor is electricity? And that demand for compressed air fluctuates significantly in 88 percent of all compressed air installations?

VSD compressor - energy

Clearly there are opportunities to improve productivity by making air compressors run more efficiently. That’s the idea behind Variable Speed Drive (VSD). 

Atlas Copco created this set of learning resources to help get you up to speed on the topic of VSD compressors.

Ask an air system professional about your best solution for energy-efficient compressed air production.

Variable Speed Drive (VSD) air compressors

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