
Compresoare portabile şi cost total de proprietate

Costul aerului comprimat depăşeşte investiţia iniţială. De fapt, cei mai mulţi bani vor fi cheltuiţi pe combustibil sau electricitate pentru a rula compresorul portabil. Citiţi mai multe despre cum puteţi obţine o rentabilitate rapidă a investiţiei.

Care este costul aerului comprimat?

Foraj geotermal în Suedia

Costul aerului comprimat depăşeşte preţul compresorului. Cu alte cuvinte, investiţia iniţială nu înseamnă totul. Nu este nici măcar cel mai important factor care contribuie la costul aerului comprimat: energia este. Aproximativ 70-80% din costul aerului comprimat acoperă combustibilul sau electricitatea utilizată de utilaj. 

Cu cât compresorul este mai mare, cu atât consumă mai multă motorină şi cu atât mai semnificative pot fi economiile atunci când optaţi pentru un utilaj eficient din punct de vedere al consumului de combustibil. La forarea unei găuri cu un compresor mare se consumă cu uşurinţă 500 litri (130 galoane) de motorină. Este o cantitate mare de combustibil pe durata de viaţă a compresorului… 

Pe scurt, aceşti parametri determină costul aerului comprimat: 

  1. Combustibil sau electricitate
  2. Costuri de service (ore de lucru, piese de schimb, consumabile)
  3. Investiţia iniţială
  4. Alte costuri, cum ar fi transportul, asigurarea etc.

Cum puteţi economisi costurile operaţionale?

1. Go for an electric compressor.
E-Air at Arentis
1. Go for an electric compressor.
Whenever you have a power supply on-site, an electric compressor is more efficient than a diesel unit. That’s a matter of science: an electric motor is better at driving a compressor element than an engine. Therefore, an electric compressor is a size smaller than its diesel equivalent. On top of that the price of electricity is lower than diesel in most regions of the world. Find out if an electric compressor could be right for you.
Whenever you have a power supply on-site, an electric compressor is more efficient than a diesel unit. That’s a matter of science: an electric motor is better at driving a compressor element than an engine. Therefore, an electric compressor is a size smaller than its diesel equivalent. On top of that the price of electricity is lower than diesel in most regions of the world. Find out if an electric compressor could be right for you.
Whenever you have a power supply on-site, an electric compressor is more efficient than a diesel unit. That’s a matter of science: an electric motor is better at driving a compressor element than an engine. Therefore, an electric compressor is a size smaller than its diesel equivalent. On top of that the price of electricity is lower than diesel in most regions of the world. Find out if an electric compressor could be right for you.
2. Choose a fuel-efficient compressor
Using the controller on an XAS 68
2. Choose a fuel-efficient compressor
The larger the engine, the bigger the impact of a fuel-economic engine. The latest generation of engines is usually also the best. But the compressor element’s efficiency, on-board compressor electronics and mechanical components can all contribute to a better fuel consumption as well. If you have a compressor with variable pressure settings, then you sometimes get more flow at lower pressure settings.
The larger the engine, the bigger the impact of a fuel-economic engine. The latest generation of engines is usually also the best. But the compressor element’s efficiency, on-board compressor electronics and mechanical components can all contribute to a better fuel consumption as well. If you have a compressor with variable pressure settings, then you sometimes get more flow at lower pressure settings.
The larger the engine, the bigger the impact of a fuel-economic engine. The latest generation of engines is usually also the best. But the compressor element’s efficiency, on-board compressor electronics and mechanical components can all contribute to a better fuel consumption as well. If you have a compressor with variable pressure settings, then you sometimes get more flow at lower pressure settings.
3. Only burn fuel when you need air.
DrillAir compressor
3. Only burn fuel when you need air.
Smart electronics can economize fuel consumption considerably. For example, technology that slows down the engine when the compressor is in no-load mode, can save up to 50% of diesel during this idling time. On the bigger engines, this offers a good saving on fuel and therefore, on cost.
Smart electronics can economize fuel consumption considerably. For example, technology that slows down the engine when the compressor is in no-load mode, can save up to 50% of diesel during this idling time. On the bigger engines, this offers a good saving on fuel and therefore, on cost.
Smart electronics can economize fuel consumption considerably. For example, technology that slows down the engine when the compressor is in no-load mode, can save up to 50% of diesel during this idling time. On the bigger engines, this offers a good saving on fuel and therefore, on cost.
4. Get regular maintenance done.
Service technician
4. Get regular maintenance done.
Don’t save on service. Keeping your filters clean, checking hoses and connections, regularly changing the oil will make your compressor keep up its performance and avoids bigger, and more costly, repairs.
Don’t save on service. Keeping your filters clean, checking hoses and connections, regularly changing the oil will make your compressor keep up its performance and avoids bigger, and more costly, repairs.
Don’t save on service. Keeping your filters clean, checking hoses and connections, regularly changing the oil will make your compressor keep up its performance and avoids bigger, and more costly, repairs.

Compresoare portabile şi cost total de proprietate

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