Calculation tools and free guides

Whether you are looking for a new temporary installation, expanding an existing one or doing maintenance to increase your plant’s agility… why don’t you do the math to determine the most beneficial solution for you? Or download one of our free guides.

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31. mars 2021

Luft Kalkulator

Trykktester er avgjørende i mange prosesser, enten før igangkjøring eller etter vedlikehold eller overhaling. Beregning av hvor mye luft som trengs, og hvor lenge trykksettingsprosessen vil vare, hjelper deg med å velge utstyr som skal leies ut i hvi...

3D visualization of the Atlas Copco Rental pressurization time calculator

3. januar 2022

Generatorer og energilagring Kalkulator

Vår gratis generatorvelger hjelper deg med å finne den strømgeneratoren som passer best til dine behov. Når du trenger strøm, kan du alltid få ekstra strøm. Men hvordan kan du vite hvilken strømgenerator som er best for dine behov?

Rental set up - Netherlands
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Whatever fits your needs, we’ll make sure to perform all the necessary calculations to make your agility count.

Curious about that well-defined tipping point in which renting your process-critical equipment becomes the smartest decision?

Are you looking for the ideal sizing tool for your installation, whether that would be an air, steam, nitrogen or power solution?

Perhaps you are simply interested in optimizing your fuel efficiency, looking for a mass flow convertor or an electrical cable calculator

How do Atlas Copco Rental calculators work?

Easy … pick your ideal calculator, fill in the details and get your simulation straight away.

Which calculation tool should you use for your next project?

Why don’t you browse through our customers’ favorites to find out what helped others in the past?

Still didn’t find what you need or in need expert advice?

Contact our Rental specialists today for a custom estimation for your next project.

Bør du vurdere brukerskap?
Iceberg of hidden costs
Bør du vurdere brukerskap?
Before making your next investment, check whether usership might be a solution for your operations.
Before making your next investment, check whether usership might be a solution for your operations.
Before making your next investment, check whether usership might be a solution for your operations.
Oppdag de nye hybridstrømløsningene
Hybrid power plant visualisation
Oppdag de nye hybridstrømløsningene
When you need power off the grid, is diesel the only option? Discover our new hybrid power plants: the most sustainable solution for temporary power needs and report working sites.
When you need power off the grid, is diesel the only option? Discover our new hybrid power plants: the most sustainable solution for temporary power needs and report working sites.
When you need power off the grid, is diesel the only option? Discover our new hybrid power plants: the most sustainable solution for temporary power needs and report working sites.
Industrielle plug-and-play-dampløsninger
Steam boiler
Industrielle plug-and-play-dampløsninger
Whether you need a steam boiler or a steam generator, Atlas Copco has a plug and play solution for you.
Whether you need a steam boiler or a steam generator, Atlas Copco has a plug and play solution for you.
Whether you need a steam boiler or a steam generator, Atlas Copco has a plug and play solution for you.
Vår forpliktelse
Specialty rental Values 2021
Vår forpliktelse
The purpose of Atlas Copco Specialty Rental is to enable our customers, our people and societies to flourish in an increasingly complex world.
The purpose of Atlas Copco Specialty Rental is to enable our customers, our people and societies to flourish in an increasingly complex world.
The purpose of Atlas Copco Specialty Rental is to enable our customers, our people and societies to flourish in an increasingly complex world.

Calculation tools and free guides

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