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QA Platform 4.0 Learning Journey: transforming and digitalizing manufacturing processes

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Welcome to the second chapter of QA Platform 4.0 Learning Journey.

Transforming and digitalizing manufacturing processes

The demands on manufacturing and production processes to maintain a competitive advantage are ever changing and increasing. Flexibility, reliability, efficiency, sustainability, the list goes on. Any one single weak link in the process can cause costly material waste, reworks and recalls. The answer is a data-based quality assurance solution that accurately can measure, report and take action on the data collected. And do this across the entire manufacturing process or anywhere in the production plant.

That solution is the Atlas Copco QA Platform 4.0.

The QA Platform 4.0 is a smart and flexible connected product portfolio. A three stage modular solution for quality assurance where every step in the quality assurance process is visualized and available for the operator to see, measure and control. Each component in the solution can be customized for your specific needs and requirements.

 Smart Connected Quality

Measuring with accuracy. The Atlas Copco STbench is a mobile solution that enables you to take the test bench to the tool. Tool capabilities can be tested and auto calibration processes performed thereby preventing errors in the production line already from the start.

Collecting and executing. Take care of and make use of the data collected from the tools. With the Atlas Copco STpad and STpalm, you can program tests, guide your operators and collect results. And it is fast, STpad enables up to 30 tests in just three minutes! Performance is controlled in real-time along the line thereby helping to reduce the risk of operator errors.

Managing and verifying. The Atlas Copco QA Supervisor monitors the quality assurance process from scheduling to reporting. At the core of the web based solution is the software that collects data, delivers insights, and allocates tasks. With one single installation, 24/7 connectivity and accessibility from any device, the QA Supervisor monitors all QA applications. Each user can work with a personalized quality dashboard with customizable reports to better meet individual user needs.

  • Bilindustri

  • Elektronikk

  • Energi

  • Industriell montering

  • Jernbaneindustri

  • Luftfart

  • Myndigheter og forsvar

  • Produsent av originalt utstyr

  • Støperier og metallproduksjon

  • Tungt utstyr og maskiner