EasyStart per software
EasyStart ToolsTalk 2 foto del prodotto
Inizia le lavorazioni in modo efficiente e senza problemi. Grazie a un processo standardizzato e certificato a livello globale in ogni fase da configurazione a formazione, avrai successo al primo tentativo e risparmierai tempo e denaro. Il pacchetto EasyStart standard si può personalizzare aggiungendo installazione in loco, configurazioni aggiuntive o formazione approfondita.


Scope of services
• Installation of ToolsTalk 2 software remotely via web session • Update of the software Tools Net (if applicable and necessary) • Initial briefing to the software ToolsTalk 2 (max. 30 min.)* • Functional test & final report • Connection to the customer portal with integrated ticket system for reporting service and support requests as well as overview and communication on closed and open reported cases with status overview.** * The initial briefing is only a few basic instructions on how to use the software. ** The connection to the customer portal in connection with EasyStart ToolsTalk 2 is limited to a free use of 12 weeks.
To install the software a remote access to the customer's IT infrastructure is required. The required information is requested in advance by our software technicians in a conversation with the customer's IT (scope call). The installation on the scheduled date can only take place if the information has been provided in advance.
EasyStart ToolsTalk 2 foto del prodotto

EasyStart ToolsTalk 2

9900 4270 97


Riduci i tempi e i costi di allestimento
Inizio lavorazioni efficiente e senza problemi
Successo al 1º tentativo