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Episode 2 – Tom Van Gaal | Powering Your Green Journey

INK Podcast Episode 2

Tom Van Gaal, Vice President Sustainability, Compressor Technique, speaks more about Atlas Copco’s sustainable solutions, green initiatives, and shares his perspective on fostering a sustainable future for future generations.

Podcast episode summary:

In the second episode of Compressor Talk, we have an insightful chat between Tom Van Gaal, Vice President of Sustainability, Compressor Technique, and Shalini Sharma, Head-Corporate Communications, Atlas Copco India. They discuss Atlas Copco's role in sustainability, our energy-efficient solutions, and how we can work together for a greener future.

“We have so many new solutions and products that bring a positive change. Industries for years will need compressors. These compressors generate heat. Most of that heat generated while compressing the air goes to waste. Recovering the energy in this heat and repurposing it helps avoid emissions “ says Tom.

“We have developed a tool to calculate the lifetime emissions of our tools. We call this the PCF (Product Carbon Footprint) Calculator. We have a good way to measure and calculate the CO2 emissions of a product which helps us understand the efficiency of our solutions” says Tom.