
Success Story: Leading with SQS3

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The evolution of Industry 4.0 brings rapid changes and new challenges. To meet these challenges in industrial assembly, Atlas Copco created the concept of Smart Integrated Assembly, combining software, hardware, smart tools, and accessories to maintain process control in complex production systems. One component is our error-proofing software Scalable Quality Solution 3 (SQS3), which drives quality, process reliability, transparency, and product safety. SQS3 can be used on its own or be networked to your ERP or MES with this comprehensive process control solution to achieve zero defects and to reduce costs of rework, scrap, or warranty claims. The whole assembly process becomes traceable thanks to extensive data collection, analysis, and storage.

With a centralized configuration, you can easily implement Scalable Quality Solution 3 and choose the error-proofing functionalities according to your needs and processes on the assembly line.

An Atlas Copco customer needed to make some process improvements to keep up with an increase in demand for some specific military grade products. Our experts completed a line walk at our customer’s plant to look at the current process which included torquing with click wrenches, printed work instructions, and handwritten data entry.

SQS3 platform

Our team quickly realized that instead of just upgrading their tools, we could streamline the entire process by introducing them to SQS3. After putting together a demo, we identified all the areas where SQS3 could save the customer time, increase error-proofing, and create a substantial ROI.

Some other benefits of SQS3 include:

  • Step-by-step visual operator guidance
  • Connection to MES system
  • Remote centralized configuration
  • Part and tool verification

To Sum It Up

SQS3 provides optimal operator support by reducing rework. Today, high numbers of variants, parts, and steps make error-free product assembly increasingly challenging. What happens if an assembly step fails and the product needs repair or rework? Support your operators in solving their repair tasks with zero defects by implementing our specific module SQS3 Rework. It enables easy and efficient process control while storing all rework data for full traceability. SQS3 Rework offers a clear target-actual analysis: Where are the faults? What needs to be done? Operators are guided in doing all repair actions correctly using the right tools and parameters with full step-by-step graphical instructions on the screen.

If you’re interested in learning more about Atlas Copco’s comprehensive software solution that drives quality, process reliability, and transparency, as well as product quality to your assembly stations, contact us to schedule a demo today!

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Ready to elevate your error-proofing strategies and ensure every bolt is securely fastened? Discover how Atlas Copco's innovative solutions can transform your operations. Schedule a demo today and see the difference firsthand!
Ready to elevate your error-proofing strategies and ensure every bolt is securely fastened? Discover how Atlas Copco's innovative solutions can transform your operations. Schedule a demo today and see the difference firsthand!
Learn more about SQS3
SQS3 cover image with woman in front of the ACNode
Learn more about SQS3

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