Passionate People Create Exceptional Things

Our values unite us no matter where in the world we operate, and we believe that diversity inspires innovation and helps us understand our customers’ needs.
Group of people discussing our culture

Policies, statements and reports

Here you will find out more about our Business Code of Practice as well as the policies, statements and reports of the Atlas Copco operations in the United Kingdom.

Read Atlas Copco's gender pay gap report:

Read Atlas Copco's UK human resources privacy policy:

Read Atlas Copco's UK Tax Strategy

Atlas Copco Group Safety, Health, Environmental and Quality Policy

Did you know? In some countries, Atlas Copco's Business Code of Practice is more even more stringent than local regulations. Watch this video to find out more:

Whistleblowing and access to remedy

Atlas Copco has a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption, including facilitation payments. We have a range of internal controls in place to make sure that we conduct business with the utmost integrity, from compliance with our Business Code of Conduct to training and supplier evaluations. When incidents are reported, firm action is taken on any violations. The Group Ethical Hotline can be used by employees or external stakeholders to report behavior or actions that may be perceived as violations of laws and regulations, or of the Business Code of Practice. All reports are treated as confidential by Group Legal Counsel, with guaranteed anonymity for whistleblowers. There are no negative repercussions for an employee who reports a violation. For perceived human rights violations, Atlas Copco can arrange where necessary for mediation to provide access to remedy (the compensation given to the individual or community whose human rights have been infringed).

Atlas Copco Group Management photo shoot in January 2018. Håkan Osvald, SVP General Counsel.

Håkan Osvald

General Counsel

Sustainable Productivity United Kingdom