
Atlas Copco joined Modern Manufacturing Forum Roadshow 2020 at Ayutthaya

at The Cavalli Casa Resort, Ayutthaya

For the improving progress of the Thai economy for industrial groups after the COVID-19 crisis. Many businesses are gradually shutting down. It is a big change for manufacturing entrepreneurs to adjust their business strategies to get through this crisis. The strategy that will enable entrepreneurs to become a winner in this new era is increasing the efficiency of the production process with the new technology. 

Modern Manufaturing2020@Ayuttaya

Modern Manufacturing Forum Roadshow 2020 at Ayutthaya

On September 23, 2020 - Atlas Copco (Thailand) Co., Ltd. had an opportunity to be apart of the Modern Manufacturing Forum and Maintenance Forum 2020 Roadshow at The Cavalli Casa Resort, Ayutthaya province with the topic of “Transforming Productivity for Smart Factory”

In this seminar, was organized to enhance knowledge about how to optimize the efficiency of the production process for the industrial groups by applying the new technologies. There are divided into 5 topics including

 - Boost up overall machine productivity (OEE real-time monitoring and improvement) 

 - Robot application for Smart Factory 

 - Visualization in Smart Factory 

 - Lean Industry 4.0: Step by step to the Smart Factory 

 - Maintenance of the automation system

During this event, we had presented our innovation, energy audit program for compressed air (iitrak), the best way to find out possible energy savings from your compressed air system is to carry out an energy audit which involves the use of an iiTrak data logger. This program is free to audit without charge for any brand of air compressors, not necessary to be Atlas Copco compressors. 

We appreciated customers for their interested in our innovations, also very pleased a discuss to exchange information and sharing knowledge with each other at Atlas Copco’s booth and hope to see you again in the future. 

Other Atlas Copco Oil-free Air 2020 2020

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Atlas Copco Thailand (Head Office)

125 Moo 9 Wellgrow Industrial Estate, Bangna-Trad Rd. Km 36;Bangwua, Bangpakong, Chachoengsao, 24130