All about Atlas Copco Compressor

All about Atlas Copco Compressor

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Atlas Copco Thailand - leading of industrial air compressed technology

Atlas Copco Compressor

Atlas Copco (Thailand) Limited handles the sales and service of industrial gas and air compressors, on-site oxygen and nitrogen generator, ancillary products, monitoring and controller system includes services and spare parts to ensure that our products are running at maximum efficiency and minimum downtime at our customers' sites.

Compressor Techniques

Atlas Copco has various types of compressors with the lowest total life cycle cost, requires fewer installation areas and focused on energy efficiency. We offer an air compressor both oil-lubricated and oil-free including air-treatment endorsed by ISO 8573-1 which ensures that our solutions suitable for all industries and any application.

Our Mission

  • To support our customers to achieve sustainable productivity by using our developed technology. We are available to find a new way to ensure that our products are running at maximum efficiency such as update the innovation, enable minimize downtime and cost of production or even improve safety in the workplace. So, the customers can ensure that our product can help their business and production process to be safe with maximum energy efficiency.
  • Our team closely work with customers to provide service and response the customer needs. We provide you with comfort and ensure that the customer will get all the maximized benefits. We continuously focus on developing innovative technology and the improving industry standards to be the world leader of industrial air compressed technology. 

Below our Product Segments for you

Service & Maintenance

Industrial Compressor Air

Oil-free Compressor Division

An Experience work for the compressed air system by Atlas Copco

Our customer perceives the lasted state of the innovation art of technology, which supports the most reliable and energy efficient products to increase their profitability. Atlas Copco always develop our compressor technology to guarantee with our customers to receive a quality product and advancement of • Oil free Compressor with Class 0 certificateVariable speed drive (VSD) technology • Advance Control systems such as Elektronikon and SmartlinkAir DryersCondensate SeparatorsEnergy recovery units

Keep you the future to achieve energy efficiency in your compressed air system

Improvement of working process:

Innovation Continue to improve the energy efficiency of our air compressor’s technology to support customers in saving the energy and maintain their sustainable productivity • Optimized service We design our compressor to extended the life period with service to combine with aftermarket product by maximizing the availability and reliability for the industrial compressed air equipment • Certified quality OHSAS 18001, ISO 9001, ISO14001 for our compressor products ISO 8573-1 CLASS 0 for our oil-free air compressor products

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All about Atlas Copco Compressor

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