Marine Air Compressor

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Pri vseh pomorskih aplikacijah, ne glede na težke pogoje, se lahko zanesete na visoko energetsko učinkovite in trdne rešitve stisnjenega zraka.


Naše pomorske rešitve združujejo vrhunsko opremo Atlas Copco in desetletja izkušenj na področju pomorstva. Naši izdelki so zasnovani, preizkušeni in certificirani za vremenske vplive tudi v najstrožjih pogojih. Za vaše potrebe vedno najdemo ustrazno rešitev.


Z elementi se soočite z zaupanjem, saj vas naša oprema ne bo pustila na cedilu in vas ne bo stala celega premoženja. Ne glede na vaš proračun najdemo primerno rešitev z najnižjimi stroški lastništva.

V bližini

Poiščite našo podporo v bližnjem pristanišču. Prisotni smo v več kot sto državah z zgoščeno trgovsko mrežo in obsežno ponudbo storitev. V kratkem imamo lahko naše strokovnjake na palubi, s čimer zagotovimo, da boste še naprej pluli s polno paro. Kjer ste, smo mi - vaš zaupanja vreden partner.

Naša pomorska izkušnja

Decades of global marine solutions

What sets Atlas Copco apart as a marine partner? Above all, it is our conviction that our own success is directly linked to the success of our customers. Read more on our marine history

Ponujamo rešitve za več pomorskih aplikacij

Start Air
Start Air
Our starting air solutions excel in a proven design and does enjoy the approval of all major classification societies and have been installed at a multitude of satisfied customers.
Our starting air solutions excel in a proven design and does enjoy the approval of all major classification societies and have been installed at a multitude of satisfied customers.
Our starting air solutions excel in a proven design and does enjoy the approval of all major classification societies and have been installed at a multitude of satisfied customers.
Seismic High Pressure Air
Seismic High Pressure Air
A very specific application, where we have selected a range of our compressor fully adapted to support the job to be done. Without comprise.
A very specific application, where we have selected a range of our compressor fully adapted to support the job to be done. Without comprise.
A very specific application, where we have selected a range of our compressor fully adapted to support the job to be done. Without comprise.
Hull Lubrication Air
Hull Lubrication Air
To maximize the benefits of Hull Lubrication by air bubbles we have selected the best low pressure compressors with the highest efficiency to gain a maximum saving for this application.
To maximize the benefits of Hull Lubrication by air bubbles we have selected the best low pressure compressors with the highest efficiency to gain a maximum saving for this application.
To maximize the benefits of Hull Lubrication by air bubbles we have selected the best low pressure compressors with the highest efficiency to gain a maximum saving for this application.
Control, Instrument & Working Air
Control, Instrument & Working Air
A complete range of marine compressors, cover a range of approximately 50 to 2800 m³/h, are available. There’s no question that these fully packaged units are up for the job.
A complete range of marine compressors, cover a range of approximately 50 to 2800 m³/h, are available. There’s no question that these fully packaged units are up for the job.
A complete range of marine compressors, cover a range of approximately 50 to 2800 m³/h, are available. There’s no question that these fully packaged units are up for the job.
Inert Gas (Nitrogen)
NGP 25 Nitrogen generator
Inert Gas (Nitrogen)
For safety reasons many ships needs to be equipped with an Inert Gas or Nitrogen systems. A whole range of both Membrane and PSA Nitrogen generators can be offered from 10 up to over 5000m3/hour.
For safety reasons many ships needs to be equipped with an Inert Gas or Nitrogen systems. A whole range of both Membrane and PSA Nitrogen generators can be offered from 10 up to over 5000m3/hour.
For safety reasons many ships needs to be equipped with an Inert Gas or Nitrogen systems. A whole range of both Membrane and PSA Nitrogen generators can be offered from 10 up to over 5000m3/hour.
Fuel Gas handling (LPG/LNG)
LNG tanker at harbor
Fuel Gas handling (LPG/LNG)
To comply with the latest IMO regulations ships are built with new liquid fuels, like LNG, as prime fuel. Dedicated marine gas compressor are designed to support this new development in the market.
To comply with the latest IMO regulations ships are built with new liquid fuels, like LNG, as prime fuel. Dedicated marine gas compressor are designed to support this new development in the market.
To comply with the latest IMO regulations ships are built with new liquid fuels, like LNG, as prime fuel. Dedicated marine gas compressor are designed to support this new development in the market.
Cargo Gas Handling (LPG/LNG)
Cargo Gas Handling (LPG/LNG)
While liquid energy is transported from the source to the point of use in for example special LNG carriers and ships, we supply multiple solutions to minimize the losses during this transport.
While liquid energy is transported from the source to the point of use in for example special LNG carriers and ships, we supply multiple solutions to minimize the losses during this transport.
While liquid energy is transported from the source to the point of use in for example special LNG carriers and ships, we supply multiple solutions to minimize the losses during this transport.
Parts & Services
Parts & Services
Having equipment installed on your vessel is one step. To keep it maintained to have the maximum availability during the lifetime of it is another major step. With genuine spare parts and well trained service people we can support you on every level of this journey.
Having equipment installed on your vessel is one step. To keep it maintained to have the maximum availability during the lifetime of it is another major step. With genuine spare parts and well trained service people we can support you on every level of this journey.
Having equipment installed on your vessel is one step. To keep it maintained to have the maximum availability during the lifetime of it is another major step. With genuine spare parts and well trained service people we can support you on every level of this journey.

We are available everywhere, see more

Contact your local marine expert
Atlas Copco World Map
Contact your local marine expert
We offer worldwide coverage for marine services and equipment. See where you can find your nearest Atlas Copco covered harbor.
We offer worldwide coverage for marine services and equipment. See where you can find your nearest Atlas Copco covered harbor.
We offer worldwide coverage for marine services and equipment. See where you can find your nearest Atlas Copco covered harbor.

Complete air set-ups and compressors for ships and on deck

Get all you need from one supplier. Whether standard or custom, you’ll find we offer end-to-end compressed air solutions for every offshore and marine application, including compressors and set-ups in ships and on deck. This covers both custom equipment and all standard air needs in marine operations:

  • starting air compressors
  • working, control, instrument air
  • air receivers
  • portable air
  • gas & process solutions
  • nitrogen - air treatment
  • high pressure compressors
  • compressed air tools
Custom marine air products
Custom marine air products
To meet your unique specifications and standards, our Marine Competence Center produces custom equipment: ready to operate in remote locations, extreme temperatures and marine environments
To meet your unique specifications and standards, our Marine Competence Center produces custom equipment: ready to operate in remote locations, extreme temperatures and marine environments
Common marine air products
Common marine air products

Starting air compressors

aluminium lightweight design, well-balanced, excellent heat transfer
Working, control & instrument air

7 sizes of screw compressors to cover a range of approximately 50 to 2800 m³/h
Air receivers

versatile design for a wide range of on-board applications, made to withstand corrosion
Portable air

compressors and boosters for all offshore and marine applications


Starting air compressors

aluminium lightweight design, well-balanced, excellent heat transfer
Working, control & instrument air

7 sizes of screw compressors to cover a range of approximately 50 to 2800 m³/h
Air receivers

versatile design for a wide range of on-board applications, made to withstand corrosion
Portable air

compressors and boosters for all offshore and marine applications

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