10 steps to a green and more efficient production

Carbon reduction for green production - all you need to know
10 steps to green compressed air production

Discover our solutions for wastewater treatment

We offer clean air technology that matches all your aeration needs. With high energy efficiency and low total cost of ownership.
Waste Water Treatment
CTS - Atlas Copco Service technician with customer

Zgodbe uporabnikov

Prednosti kompresorjev VSD najbolje predstavijo ljudje, ki jih uporabljajo vsak dan

Odkrijte, kako vam lahko pomagamo.

Customer Siliko's compressor room


Podjetje Siliko d.o.o. iz Vrhnike se ukvarja s proizvodnjo tehničnih izdelkov iz elastomerov in termoplastov več kot 30-letno tradicijo. Pri proizvodnji izdelkov in orodja je stabilna dobava komprimiranega zraka ključnega pomena.


Novarplast S.R.L., a company that produces different types of polyethylene intended for trade, industry and agriculture, becomes the first company in Argentina to acquire our new rotary screw compressor GA VSD+. Read more.



Pustet is one of the largest printing houses in Southern Germany. Its printing processes and book binding machines run on compressed air. The new GA37 VSD+, seamlessly integrated in a complete Atlas Copco air net, delivers the absolute quality Pustet requires while generating significant cost savings. See more

Matrival application image - Automotive - Valencia

Matrival - zgodba o stranki

Matrival, dobavitelj v avtomobilski industriji, potrebuje vse: zanesljivost, majhen odtis, energetsko učinkovitost, trajnost in partnerja, ki lahko prevzame odgovornost za celoten sistem stisnjenega zraka. Podjetje Atlas Copco je z novim sistemom GA55 VSD+ lahko zagotovilo vse prednosti na področju stisnjenega zraka. Oglejte si več


After a successful trial with Stannah Stairlifts, an Atlas Copco’s GA VSD+ compressor now provides vital 24/7 test lab air for the company’s R&D operations at its site in Andover.