
Do you test your manual wrenches according to standards?

Eliminate human influence and make tests faster

Stay compliant with ISO 6789-1:2017

The testing of manual wrenches might be time consuming and physically demanding for employees making tests. Somtimes they perform hundreds or thousands of clicks to verify a wrench. Higher a torque, the more demanding it is for an operator to make a test. Operators also influence test results. ST Bench with motorized cell automates clicks and assures test integrity in line with ISO6789-1. It works with a click, slip and break wrenches.


The ISO 6789-1:2017 specifies the conformance testing and requirements for hand torque wrenches used for controlled tightening.


Motorized cell like in Atlas Copco ST Bench is mandatory to comply with requirements of ISO norm. Its fully automated mechanism saves time and resources while being in accordance with ISO 6789-1:2017.

st pad


Motorized cell tests wrenches up to 1600 Nm.


The ST Bench with motorized cell is equipped with clamping mechanism to assure the correct position of the wrench. For a safety reasons the cage with safety switch is mounted so operator can run the test only if the cover is closed.


ST-Bench with motorized Cell

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Do you test your manual wrenches according to standards?

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