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Most Accurate and Universal Positioning System

Industrial Location Guidance - easy and universal solution for joint position identification

Customizable solution for your critical applications. 

There are applications requiring arms with precise positiong system. We are introducing ILG (Industrial Location Guidance) being most universal and accurate system.


Positioning systems are key element of process traceability being required by many standards (e.g. VDi). They are mandatory for example for safety critical joints but they are used also on applications where we want avoid quality and rework costs resulting from wrong assembly sequence or missing screws.


Main benefits of positioning systems are Improve Traceability, Avoiding mistakes and Reducing quality and rework costs. In combination with worker guidance it also reduces training time/onboarding for new employees.

Frequently Asked Questions about ILG

Where to use system?

Stationary manufacturing stations (nests) Repairs stations (to improve rework traceability) Moving assembly line - ILG calculates moving position of the product or it uses referrence point

Can I use ILG on moving assembly line?

ILG tracks the exact location of the tool relative to the fastening position, it is the best solution to ensure that the correct fasteners are tightened to specification, in the proper sequence.

How ILG communicates with other systems?

ILG communicates with other systems via Open Protocol so is universal for any system with sufficient OP interface.

Can I use ILG with my existing reaction arm?

Do you already have reaction arm but you need just positioning system? Yes, ILG is so universal you just upgrade your existing installation with ILG to get full positioning solution.

Where is ILG SW installed?

You can deploy ILG application in HMI or computer at the station but you can also reduce HW components and install ILG software inside of Power Focus controller.

What is ILG accuracy?

ILG is primarily software solution, accuracy depends on arms, encoders, cameras and other sensors you use. With Atlas Copco arms we typically achieve measurement accuracy <1mm.

Industrial Location Guidance ILG

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Most Accurate and Universal Positioning System

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