EV manufactures

Compressed air and gas for electric car battery production

Complete compressed air and gas equipment for sustainably produced batteries for electrical cars at the lowest possible production cost.

Sustainably produced batteries

Electric cars significantly reduce CO2 emissions compared to fossil fuel cars. Sustainable and high-quality manufactured batteries are key to reducing these greenhouse gas emissions.

One supplier for all your battery production equipment

The applications within the battery manufacturing process require dry, non-contaminated compressed air and nitrogen. We deliver all the equipment for the complete process.

Minimize operational expenses

Our aim is to minimize operational expenses. Each of our products is designed to have the lowest possible life cycle cost. By utilizing central controllers and energy recovery, we ensure reduced operational costs and CO2 emissions.

Introduction: Electric car battery production

Quick explanation video - 2,5 minutes

Electric car battery production

Quick explanation video 2,5 minutes

10 steps in the lithium battery production process
EV manufacturer
10 steps in the lithium battery production process
From electrode manufacturing to cell assembly and finishing.
From electrode manufacturing to cell assembly and finishing.
From electrode manufacturing to cell assembly and finishing.
Air and gas solutions for EV charger manufacturers
EV charger
Air and gas solutions for EV charger manufacturers
Learn about our high-quality nitrogen and compressed air solutions for EV charging manufacturers.
Learn about our high-quality nitrogen and compressed air solutions for EV charging manufacturers.
Learn about our high-quality nitrogen and compressed air solutions for EV charging manufacturers.

Ebook EV battery production

In our EV battery production e-book, we discuss compressed air and nitrogen gas for lithium-ion battery production

  • The challenges of lithium-ion battery production
  • The EV battery production process requirements
  • The solutions
  • Continuous development

Lithium-ion batteries for electric cars

Electric car battery pack

Within the automotive industry, the switch from fossil fuel to electric vehicles is in full swing. Governments, consumers and electric car manufacturers are all aiming for an affordable electric car. A car that significantly reduces CO2 emissions compared to fossil fuel cars and lowers the environmental impact.

Each electrical or hybrid-driven vehicle requires large amounts of lithium-ion cells.  These li-ion battery cells are assembled into a battery pack and integrate them into electric-driven vehicles.

Each battery cell contains several parts such as the anode, cathode and electrolyte. We design our equipment to support the manufacturing of these parts. From mining raw materials to preparing these materials to be used in the battery cell.

Optimize your electric vehicle battery manufacturing process with the correct combination of the most sustainable equipment. Combine air and gas compressors with the right dryers, filters, and gas generators. At the lowest life cycle costs, our installation supplies a constant high quality of dry, unpolluted air.


  • Class 0 compressors for large air demands and quality air 
  • Fixed speed or variable speed drive 
  • Desiccant and drum dryers - the heat of compression dryers for low dew point levels 
  • CO2 removal units to remove unwanted traces of carbon dioxide from the compressed air
  • Filters to remove all particulate down to acceptable levels
  • Onsite nitrogen generators produce industrial gases at a fraction of the cost of liquified gases
  • Energy recovery units 
  • A central controller to manage all the processes in a sustainable way 

Optimal compressor load distribution

Optimizer 4.0

Large compressor networks, similar to orchestras, do need a conductor to make all equipment work together most efficiently.

The central controller Optimizer 4.0 masters the complexities of controlling these large compressor networks.

The central controller monitors the fluctuating air demand 24/7. It automatically selects the most optimal configuration of multiple compressors to run at the lowest possible energy consumption.

Energy recovery in car battery production

 Senior White Male Chief Engineer Using Tablet Computer in Automated Robot Arm Assembly Line Manufacturing High-Tech Electric Vehicles.

Approximately 94% of electrical energy is transformed into heat through compression.


  • The extra heat can be used to warm buildings or to dry and age materials in manufacturing.
  • Another option is selling the heat to surrounding industries or cities.  This renewable energy could  heat houses or other industry processes in an energy-saving way.

Install energy recovery units that allow reuse of the heat of compression elsewhere in the process. This will drastically reduce energy consumption and decrease the carbon footprint of the production process even more. On top, our energy recovery units guarantee a short return on investment.

Onsite nitrogen generation for battery production

Nitrogen generator

Nitrogen has several applications in ev battery cell production.
It is used in both the manufacturing of battery components and in the assembly of the battery cell.  The inert and pure properties of nitrogen prevent any contamination of the raw materials. Some examples of use:

  • mix raw materials
  • cool materials
  • to inject electrolytes 
  • and for the pressing of materials by creating an inert environment.

How do our on-site nitrogen generators help lower operating costs?
On-site generation of industrial gases allows the production of the exact amount and purity of gas required for the application. On-site generation ensures the availability of industrial gases at a fixed low cost and reduces CO2 emissions drastically.  External suppliers do not require to deliver liquified gases by trucks anymore.


What are electric car batteries made of?

Lithium ion battery parts

The raw materials needed for producing battery are lithium, aluminum, cobalt and magnesium

The battery parts

1. Electrical foil

2. Anode

3. Separator

4. Electrolyte

5. Pouch

6. Electronic PCB

7. Cathode

Our proposed air and gas systems for your battery production

  • A combination of class 0 air compressors and desiccant dryers are ideal. The combination ensures high product quality at the lowest possible costs. Battery factories require a larger compressor range, a combination of ZH and ZR air compressors could be the ideal solution.
  • All the coolers in our compressors are made of stainless steel.
  • To monitor and manage the multiple compressors, we recommend using a central control system, the Optimizer 4.0. A central controller ensures the most optimum configuration of the compressors in terms of energy usage.
  • For remote monitoring and alarm indication, we provide a remote monitoring system, SMARTlink
  • Our air piping system, Airnet & Airnet SS can help you in your search for a carbon steel free environment.

If you want to read more about our products, visit the product section by clicking on the products below.

Compressed air and gas for electric car battery production

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