
Defying the odds with hard work

With increasing diversity and ensuring inclusion, Atlas Copco has made significant strides in this area. In 2018, we had 13% female employees, which has increased to 19% in 2021

Defying the odds with hard work

Mechanical Engineering has generally been a male-dominated field, but in recent generations, many women have demonstrated that gender diversity in this area has resulted in a perfect blend of technology and context application.


Being raised in a family of mechanical engineers, I always desired to be one. I learnt how massive loads could be moved with the push of a button. An idea of how a single person could do all of that was more than fascinating and that made me chose Mechanical Engineering.

After graduating from Pune University with a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2017, I worked for a mechanical company before pursuing an internship in manufacturing at Atlas Copco, Dapodi. Atlas Copco has helped me grow into a professional, something I am extremely glad and proud of, as I have upskilled through several roles from being an intern to apprentice to a Project Engineer.

I work with a fantastic group of people who do not make me realize that I'm a relatively new or a woman for that matter. Many of my friends working in the field of mechanical engineering found it difficult to believe that I was defying stereotypes by working on the production line and supervising activities and workers, which is typically considered of as a male-dominant activity.

supervising the team

With increasing diversity and ensuring inclusion, Atlas Copco has made significant strides in this area. In 2018, we had 13% female employees, which has increased to 19% in 2021. This was accomplished through the implementation of a well-thought-out strategy that prioritized recruiting at all levels, building expertise, and including female workers in activities that would expose them to cross-functional teams.

Woman production team

I feel valued and respected here, every day is like a roller coaster ride, and I love it because of the work culture and the neutrality of job roles, which provide me with a wonderful platform to demonstrate my skills.


Defying the odds with hard work

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