Meet our passionate female service engineer - Sakshi Pande
Years in Atlas Copco: 06 months
Current Role: Field Service Engineer
Your journey at Atlas Copco:
Atlas Copco presents some great opportunities to female engineers in the service field. Initially, the idea of joining a team as a female field service engineer was quite challenging in my mind. However, my belief in taking challenges and always looking for a better way, made my start at Atlas Copco super exciting!
The joining was also exciting, because of the great support from my colleagues, managers and customers. I was especially happy to see the response of a few customers who are actually appreciating women in the service field and extending their full support to women service engineers.
What inspires you:
Work culture of Atlas Copco, and bias free environment inspires me.
What would I like to grow into:
I've just started! My ambition is to grow within the organization and would love to grow my career in Atlas Copco-my immediate ambition is become a team leader.