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What is waste heat?

Waste heat recovery

Harness the power of waste heat recovery from your compressor and industrial processes in your factory. Continue reading about the benefits of capturing and reusing waste heat, leading to significant energy savings and reduced carbon footprint with energy recovery units and industrial heat pumps.

Heat recovery: Unlocking the benefits in industrial applications

In the industrial sector, optimizing efficiency and reducing environmental impact are crucial objectives. An effective way to achieve these goals is through an air compressor heat recovery system. By understanding and implementing such systems, companies can transform wasted heat into valuable energy, leading to significant cost savings and sustainability improvements.

The basics of air compressor heat recovery

Energy recovery scheme
An air compressor heat recovery system captures the heat generated during the compression process and repurposes it, thus enhancing overall energy efficiency. converting it into usable energy. A heat recovery system for an air compressor can significantly lower your energy usage, save costs, and reduce your carbon footprint. Without such a system, the heat produced by compressed air is dissipated through radiation or cooling.

Types of heat recovery systems

Air compressor heat recovery systems cater to different industrial needs, effectively enhancing energy efficiency by harnessing waste heat from air compressors. Here's an overview of the main types of heat recovery for air compressors:


1. Air-to-Air Heat Exchangers: These systems capture heat from the exhaust air of the compressor and use it to preheat incoming fresh air. This method is particularly effective in maintaining energy efficiency and is ideal for applications where the heating of ambient air is required, such as space heating or preheating air for other industrial processes​.


2. Air-to-Water Heat Exchangers: Utilizing the heat from the compressor’s exhaust to heat water, these systems are versatile in their application, providing hot water that can be used in central heating systems, or industrial processes requiring heated water. This type of heat recovery is beneficial for its ability to provide significant energy savings and enhance operational efficiency by utilizing waste heat for necessary water heating processes​

Benefits of implementing heat recovery

Implementing air compressor heat recovery in air compressors presents significant advantages, both economically and environmentally. Here's an overview of the key benefits:


1. Energy cost reduction: Facilities can significantly lower their energy consumption by capturing and reusing the heat generated from air compressors. This translates into substantial cost savings, particularly in industries with high energy demands. Heat recovery systems can utilize up to 96% of the heat generated by compressors to assist in energy recovery, which would otherwise be wasted.


2. Enhanced environmental sustainability: Utilizing heat recovery systems reduces the carbon footprint of operations by making them more energy-efficient. This helps in mitigating the environmental impact associated with energy production and greenhouse gas emissions. The efficient use of generated heat lessens reliance on fossil fuels and contributes to overall sustainability efforts​.


3. Increased operational efficiency: Air compressor Heat recovery systems improve the overall efficiency of compressed air systems. By reclaiming heat and using it for other processes, such as heating water or space heating, businesses can optimize their operations and reduce the load on other systems, such as boilers and heaters​.


4. Return on Investment: While there is an upfront cost associated with installing heat recovery systems, the return on investment can be rapid due to the significant energy savings. Many systems pay for themselves within a year, making them a financially viable option for many businesses​.


By integrating heat recovery systems, businesses not only enhance their operational efficiency but also contribute positively to environmental sustainability. This strategic investment supports long-term economic and ecological benefits, underlining its importance in modern industrial operations.

Industrial applications of heat recovery

Heat recovery from air compressors provides a myriad of uses across various industries, turning what would be waste into valuable energy resources. Here's how businesses can utilize recovered heat:


1. Space heating: The most direct application of recovered heat is using it for heating workspaces, such as production halls. This is particularly useful in colder climates where heating demands are significant. By using hot air from air-cooled compressors, businesses can reduce dependency on external heating sources, thus lowering energy costs.


2. Process heating: For industries that require heat in their processes, recovered heat can be a crucial energy source. This includes using hot water or steam generated from compressors in applications such as:


Automotive industry: Supports various production processes where heat is a requisite. Read more about compressor applications for the automotive industry

Pharmaceuticals: Utilized in drying and sterilization processes that are heat-intensive. > Read more about air compressors for pharmaceutical industry

Food and Beverage: Used in pasteurization, drying, and general cleaning operations, ensuring high levels of hygiene and safety. > Read more about air compressors in the food industry

Textile Industry: Aids in processes like dyeing and drying where consistent and controllable heat improves quality. Read more about air compressors for the textile industry

Chemical manufacturing: Helps in various refinery processes where precise temperature control is critical. > Read more about air compressors for chemical & petrochemical


3. Hot water supply: Recovered heat can efficiently heat water for various utility purposes: 


Laundry services: Large volumes of hot water are essential for operations, and using recovered heat can significantly cut down heating costs.

Sanitary applications: Facilities like gyms, hospitals, and schools can benefit from an economical supply of hot water for showers and washrooms.


4. Heating water for industrial use: The use of hot water or steam extends to other sectors like:


Electronics: For sterilization in clean rooms where controlled environmental conditions are required. 

Metal and plastics: Heat is used in processes like injection molding and metal fabrication to enhance material properties.


5. Enhancing HVAC efficiency: By integrating recovered heat into HVAC systems, buildings can achieve better thermal management with reduced operational costs. This application is increasingly common in modern commercial buildings and manufacturing facilities.


By utilizing heat recovery systems, businesses not only cut down on their energy consumption but also contribute to environmental sustainability by reducing their carbon footprint. The flexibility in the application of recovered heat across various industries underscores its value as a versatile and economically viable energy solution.

Implementing air compressor heat recovery systems

Implementing a heat recovery system for air compressors is a strategic decision that can significantly enhance energy efficiency and sustainability in industrial operations. Here’s how you can effectively install these systems:


Identify needs: Assess the heat demand within your facility to determine the suitability of a heat recovery system. Consider the types and sizes of compressors in use, the operational hours, and the potential heat usage applications.

System selection: Choose the appropriate heat recovery system based on your specific requirements. Options range from integrated heat recovery units in new compressors to retrofitting existing systems with external heat exchangers.


With energy costs constituting a significant portion of industrial expenses, leveraging an air compressor heat recovery system not only reduces operational costs but also supports environmental sustainability. Atlas Copco’s solutions in this field offer reliable and efficient ways to reclaim and utilize what was once wasted heat, turning an everyday process into a source of value creation.

Ebook: Energy recovery and waste heat recovery

  • What is compressor waste heat recovery?
  • The many applications of waste heat recovery
  • Established energy recovery applications
  • Multiple uses of heat recovery

Compressing air generates a lot of heat that otherwise simply goes to waste. On the other hand, most manufacturing facilities need heat for one or more tasks or processes. That means energy recovery captures the heat your compressor produces anyway to feed it to those applications that need heat anyway. It's a true win-win solution that essentially lets you use your compressor’s energy twice. 


In this ebook, you will find a quick explanation of compressor heat recovery, its benefits, and its impressively wide range of applications across industries including automotive, pharma, breweries, chocolate and dairy production.


What is waste heat?
What is waste heat?
What is waste heat?
An introduction to air compressor heat recovery
Uses for energy recovery
An introduction to air compressor heat recovery
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