Do not let noise becomes an issue in your outside jobs with Atlas Copco portable generators.
The containerized ranges of generators, QAC and QEC, are just perfect for the most demanding conditions and usage requirements. First ones also come fully loaded as standard, with every sophisticated options you could ever need.
It takes just 60 minutes to install a 2 MVA modular power plant, with four QAS 500 in parallel. This is the perfect solution to adapt the power to the application load variations.
Withstanding the elements
Discover the power of twins: the QAC 1100 TwinPower
We offer a wide variety of on-site solutions to a wide range of construction and event based industries. In addition we also offer permanent pumps and industrial generators.
One portfolio. Endless possibilities! Learn about our forward thinking approach.
One portfolio. Endless possibilities! Learn about our forward thinking approach.
It could be a lot more than you think! At Atlas Copco we believe in our equipment and we are prepared to stand behind our quality. When you buy a portable air compressor or generator from us, we will let you know exactly what it will be worth at a chosen time in the future (three years for example). Click here to learn more about our used equipment.