
Dewatering pumps

Truly portable, truly powerful


Made to go where you need to go. Smaller and lighter, with features that make it easy to transport.


One pump can cover multiple applications thanks to a modular design.


Tested, performed and verified in the toughest working conditions.


Focused on reducing fuel consumption. Made to suit any environment.

Simple service

Easy access to all parts and consumables.

Can we pump it? Yes we can!

Our pump range was developed as a result of our over 140 years’ experience working with construction customers across the world. Our strategy fits perfectly with pumps. The first focus, of course, is providing efficient products. We strive to develop products that are better for you and better for the environment. Secondly, the products should be easy to take to your point of work. Therefore we put a huge amount of focus on making products that are smaller and lighter, with features that make them easy to move.

Pump Sizing Calculator

Submersible Pump Sizing Calculator

With a few inputs, this pump sizing calculator will help you to compare dewatering submersible models and find the right one for you. Three simple steps and you will get a pump performance calculation.

Use our calculator to find the right drainge, sludge or slurry pump for your application.


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Read our exclusive blog posts about the latest industry trends and innovations and get valuable insights to apply in your business.

Scan the QR code on your machine, and go to the QR Connect Portal to find all the information about your machine.
Calculators, 360° Tools and E-guides

Get free access to unique e-books, calculators and tools that will show you how to reduce your costs and how to select & size the right machines for your applications.

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Customer Stories

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Explore the media collections we have prepared for you with exclusive photos and videos playlists featuring how-to videos, features, benefits and more.

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Dewatering pumps

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