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FAQ: What are common quality assurance calibration standards?

Our calibration expert explains the definitions of a few key terms in order to avoid misunderstandings. In practice, these terms are often used in incorrect contexts or are understood incorrectly.

Most important quality assurance calibration standards that you should know about

What is ISO 6789, EURAMET/cg-14 or VDI/VDE 2648? 

To ensure that your measurement equipment is taken care of, you should know which standards apply. 

Let our expert explain!

Check out Atlas Copco calibration services

Atlas Copco Tool Calibration
Atlas Copco tool calibration and calibration certificates
Atlas Copco Tool Calibration
Accredited Quality Assurance Calibration
Atlas Copco accredited quality assurance calibration for tools
Accredited Quality Assurance Calibration

FAQ: What are common quality assurance calibration standards?

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